spy corp and Thomas's evil plan

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Then the bad guys awake, dizzy and in a daze, then their version sees three lions in a suit.

"Oh my head...where...where are we?" Wolf gets up holding his head when the others repeated.

They were inside the HQ of spy corp where they are in the precense of the chief director mr lion who introduces himself.

"Greeting Mr wolf" they see him in a blue suit.

"AH!" They get startled.

"Who are you?" Wolf asked.

"Now don't be alarm, I am the chief director of spy corp, Mr lion"

But they just stared at him like a deer in a headlamp.

"Ok?" Wolf says then Mr lion holds his hand out and helps wolf up.

"Please do forgive the intrusion but we needed to speak to you personally so I sent my best agents of spy corp spy fox and monkey penny to bring you here, which you already met"

They see Mr lion motioning to his two agents who are waving at them.

"Oh right, like a simple phone call wasn't any better" snake says sarcastically.

"Sorry but we need to be sure no one was watching" Mr lion explained.

"Alright, listen here Leo-" wolf dusted himself and jabs Mr lion on his chest.

"Mr lion" he corrected him as he remained calm.

"Whatever you can't just kidnap people whenever you feel like it, maybe you should just give them a call!"

"Apologize Mr wolf but this was the only way, we require your help"

"Forget it we have a daughter at home, all alone, scared and worried so good day" wolf and the others storm off.

"Before you go, just see this" soon a large tv is displayed.

And they see a satalite station in shape of an aerosol hair spray can that's spraying harmful chemicals on earth's ozone layer.

It caught their attention, "whoa, what is that?" Webs asked.

"Looks like a can?" Piranha says.

"It is" Shark says.

"Is that a giant spray can" wolf asked.

"As you can see! About 2 hours ago, our satellite camera caught this, A giant aerosol hairspray has been spotted orbiting the planet and it has unleashed a seemingly endless spray of aerosol directly at the Ozone layer, At this rate that aerosol can will destroy the ozone in. matter of hours"

"Hmm, wait, What's going on and why are we brought here" wolf asked.

spy fox and monkey penny along with diane who shocks them.

"Why don't you ask your friend: Ms Diane foxington"

"Diane?" Wolf was surprised as the rest of them.

"What are you doing here"

"Hey guys" she smiled.

"You were all brought here on an very important mission, briefing of the threat at hand, in less than 24 hours the world will be destroyed this is far from something bigger than you are dealing with. threat is caused by a mad scientist named: Thomas chesterfield and his new partner poodles galore"

of course this will shock them, "what?" Wolf says.

"You got to be kidding me" Shark groans.

"Of course it's him, it's always him" snake hissed.

"Wait a minute, ask how did he escape prison"

"Well last night during a thunder storm police and night guards discovered that thomas made a jail break out of prison by digging his way out" Diane explains.

"Then he teamed up with cosmetics queen poodles galore" spy fox says.

"Your first task at hand is to find rocket scientist Plato pushpin who is the only person to stop the threat" Mr lion says.

"Ok and where do we find him?" Snake asked.

"He was last known to be working for reigning cosmetics queen Poodles Galore. Which is why you all need to go to Poodles' cosmetic factory and talk to Plato Pushpin"

"But what about our daughter princess" wolf says.

"Don't worry I left her at marmalade's, she'll be fine" Diane says.

meanwhile in the space station, thomas is seen eating dinner with poodles.

"So as you can see Thomas everything is in order Thanks to your brilliant mechanical engineering, the aerosol hairspray has been activated and we already sent a message to the US that if they don't come to our terms, the aerosol can will punch a hole through the ozone and cause a major heat wave disaster, victory will be ours" poodles says, she pulls off in a dress dazzling dress.

he was eating salmon as he nodded, he was dressed in a beige suit after changing and showering.

"Very well done poodles" Thomas says.

but suddenly one of her henchman comes in, "miss galore, miss galore"

"Not now, can't you see I'm busy"

"By madam, it's Plato"


"He is still alive and is threat to our plans, if he is gets the chance, he'll ruin everything"

"UGH WHY THAT LITTLE-Thomas it seems like we caught a little-sprain in our plan"

Thomas hokfs his hand up to silence her, then he puts his fork down, then he gets up, pushing his plate.

"No need, I was prepared for situations like this..." he snapped his fingers.

They look up to see mountain lion in a a white suit, dark red undershirt, a black bowtie, shoes, and pants.

He steps out of the darkness standing by Thomas side crossing his arms, on his face is a huge scar same as Thomas.

"I would like you to meet my most trusted assasion jaws to silence Pushpin for good, this is jaws his titanium teeth is so strong it can break steel and slience people for good" Thomas says as jaws open his mouth to reveal his razor blade teeth.

"I hired him just case there were any...mishaps in our plans, jaws I need you to find this pushpin and be sure he stays silence" Thomas ordered him.

"Yea sir" he nodded and walks out.

Then suddenly a blue russian cat walks up next to Thomas.

"I also want you to meet my other assassin, russian blue who was once a space shuttle pilot whose job is to ship weapons and supplies to their space station

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"I also want you to meet my other assassin, russian blue who was once a space shuttle pilot whose job is to ship weapons and supplies to their space station. Till I round him and made him the man he is"

He pulls out two Cossack Shashka and demonstrates sword skills, then he puts them back in, poddle was impressed.

"Amazing Thomas, you never ceased to impress me"

"Good because I need a favor to ask"

"Sure what is it Thomas"

"I'll take care of your problem but in return you and blue Russian must capture my daughter princess"

THE BAD GUYS IN: SPY Fox: "Operation Ozone" Where stories live. Discover now