Tango dance and captured

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while in the hotel they will encounter monkey penny and diane who will give them the tux's for the party.

Diane and monkey penny came back with tux and dresses.

"Ok guys we're back and we got your suits to wear for the party tonight" Diane says.

They each hand their tux, wolf keeps a look out at the factory, then turns to Diane.

"You ready for this?" She asked.

"Yeah" he nodded and after they all get dressed.

"Alright everyone let's go, we have a party to go" spy fox says.

Once they arrive, they go over the plan, "ok so everyone knows the plan right" spy fox asked.

"We find the pill and destroy the spray can" wolf says.

"Alright let's fan out, we'll separate in teams of two, I'll go with penny, wolf you and Diane head upstairs, shark you go with piranha, and snake you and webs look around let us know if you find any henchmen, after the bizarre attacks we need to keep a look out" spy fox says.

But suddenly as snake looks around something catches his eye.

"Does that count" he points and they see and are in shocked.

they encounter russian blue in her red dress guarding the entrence they try to find a way in.

" oh no it's blue Russian" penny says.

"Who's blue Russian?" Wolf asked.

"Another assassin and on spy corps list" spy fox explained.

"hired by Thomas no doubt" wolf added.

"Great what do now" snake asked.

"How do we get in?" Piranha added.

"I don't know let me think" spy fox paces then he gets an idea.

"Ok here's one thing I do know, blue Russian has only one weakness"

"And what's that?" Wolf asked.

"tango dance, she likes to tango dance"

But they all had annoyed looks, "seriously" snake says sarcastically.

"Actually this is great" wolf says.


"Don't you see, it means one of us has to dance with her in dance floor, one of us will have to distract her while the rest sneak in and find that pill" wolf explained.

"Ok but who's crazy enough to do it?" Snake asked.

"I'll do it" wolf says.

They watch as he approaches her, she eyes him and in off audio voice, they see wolf talking to blue Russian and she takes his hand onto the dance floor.

He turns to the guys winking them and they sneak in but before they split up, something catches spy fox eye.

"Wait?" He drops them.

They turn to his attention and they spot the cellar to the basement.

"I have a feeling that the pill will be in there" spy fox says.

"Fine but we need to hurry we don't know how long wolf can stall" snake says.

They see wolf was still dancing with blue Russian but as they sneak to the basement,  one of them bumps into a chair blue.

It was shark, his big body knocks a chair down which blue Russian begins to turn around and spot them.


THE BAD GUYS IN: SPY Fox: "Operation Ozone" Where stories live. Discover now