Starting to like the idea

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Dazai pov.

I was waking up from a dream that I liked a lot, it was about me and Chuuya working together again, wait, why did I even like working with a slug?, I don't know honestly.

I took a fast shower, and had breakfast the fastest I could, and, why? Since I'm always late.....but this time, I have a reason, we'll be talking about how Mori-san and the president will organize, I want to hear it myself and not Kunikida telling me after the whole meeting.

I went almost running to the office, it was almost time, I couldn't be late for even a second, I arrived.

Kunikida: Dazai? You're early?......such a miracle.

Dazai: I just got enough luck to arrive early, anddd.... I didn't have any thing to do while slacking off, so~!, I decided to come early instead~!!

I said that last sentence with a teasing smile, but Kunikida wouldn't budge, that was probably because he's still glad that I was early huh....

After some few minutes, all of the Agency members were called to the meeting office by the president, we all went immediatly.

Fukuzawa: I'm glad that everyone is here, now, let's start.

Narrator's pov

Dazai was sitting on one of the chairs, listening closely.

Fukuzawa: everyone will be paired up with someone of the Mafia, so we don't be attacked while we're alone, this is an infiltration.......

Dazai was already expecting that, this enemy agency is an expert on attacking people while they're alone.

Fukuzawa: Let me tell all of you with who are you being paired with.

Dazai was even more interested by this part, even if it was quite obvious with who he will be paired with.

Ranpo was going to be paired with Kanjii, Yosano with Kouyou, Kenji with Tachihara, Kunikida with Gin, Atsushi with Akutagawa, Kyoka with both the president and the boss, and obviously, the double black were working together again, Chuuya and Dazai.

Dazai already expected that, Chuuya and him destroyed completely an organization by their own on only one night, they're a deadly duo, and they would be one of the most helpful duos in this.

Fukuzawa: that's all, got it?

Everyone: yessir.

After some time of organizing a bit more, everyone left the meeting office to go and do other jobs that they had to do, but Dazai, he had free time, and for the first time, he despised that, he wanted to do something that entertains him.

Dazai went to the cafe, and started to hear some music, thinking about everything, he'll work with Chuuya again, he wants to annoy Chuuya, but a part of him doesn't want to and wants to talk to him again, Dazai wants to relax a bit and tries to stop thinking about it.

Chuuya's pov.

So that's how we'll organize....... It doesn't surprise me at this point, it was clear that I'll work with him again, and there's nothing I can do about it, so I'll just relax while then.

I had the day off for some reason, the Port Mafia was busy on planning strategies, and I'm not a strategist, I'm just the one who executes the plans of the strategists, and that's how I always worked with Dazai. I rarely help to do some strategies, and so, it's normal that I don't get called to help with that.

I decided to go to a cafe nearby, just to relax a bit, and think, how would I stop Dazai form annoying me, but inside of me, I knew that it'll be impossible, Dazai is just a damn bastard that bothers me every time he can, but, how would he react if I ignored him completely? I know that I'm not capable of doing that, but at least trying wouldn't be bad.

Something of me told me that I shouldn't do that.

I don't like music at all, it just stressed me out, but there are some relaxing songs that help me a bit, but the number of songs that I like is really low.

I started to drink some tea, a tea that Dazai likes a lot, and I know that he still likes because I saw him drinking it many times before, so....I don't know what to think about it honestly.

Well, I'm going to admit it

I want to work with Dazai again so bad.

I miss working with him, every time that I work with him, now that we're in contrary bands, I get some kind excited, and when it's over, I want to repeat that over and over again, it doesn't matter everything that happens while I work with him, it's worth it.

And now, that in some days, I'm going to work with Dazai, I feel happy, it's going to sound ridiculous, and this is something that Dazai would say to annoy me, but, I feel like a dog waiting for his owner to come back and pat him on the head again.

Damn it.

Narrator's pov.

Chuuya went out of the cafe some time after that, he was really bored, he didn't knew what to do, he didn't want to go to his apartment, or else, he'll feel bored and lonely, Chuuya thinks that he should get a dog, but at the same time, he doesn't want to, like he's a busy man, he won't be able to take good care of the dog.

Chuuya just walks bored through the streets, trying to see something that he could get entertained with, he kept walking until.

He saw Dazai.

Dazai was also walking through the streets, looking directly at the ground, Dazai was probably bored too.

Chuuya felt something weird on his chest, he almost froze there, but instinctively, he went to hide from Dazai in a alleyway.

After hiding, Chuuya looked at Dazai walk, he didn't even knew what he were doing, but he couldn't stop.

Dazai had a serious expression, he was probably really bored, his eyes were half way closed.

Chuuya felt weird, and he thought "why is Dazai that way? Why is he not smiling like always, he looks better with a smile -" but after thinking that, he immediately covered his mouth, his cheeks turned red, he couldn't believe that he could even think something like that, he knew himself that he could be in denial, but he didn't even know what to do about it, he just thinks about it while looking at Dazai walk away, Chuuya had an impulse of going and talk to Dazai, something was

 pushing him to do so, something that, if Chuuya didn't think for a second, he'll be already talking to Dazai.

Chuuya couldn't handle it anymore, and he approached Dazai impulsively.

Chuuya: Dazai

Dazai turned around just to see Chuuya.

Dazai: Chuuya...?

Chuuya thought that he fucked up, he didn't know of what else to say, he froze on place, and he felt shy all of a sudden.

Author's note: hi, this chapter was longer than the last one, I had more time.

Bye, see you in the next part :)

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