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Dazai and Chuuya already knew what to do, it was already predictable what they would do for each other, because it's similar to the case where they destroyed a whole agency by their own in one single night.

Dazai's pov.

Damn, it was actually comfortable to spend time with Chuuya again, like, so damn casual, even if we're exes, it's quite weird that you talk to your ex as if nothing happened, wait, we didn't even break up, what are we? Now that I think about it, I don't even have a single idea of what could we be called.

In that exact moment, I was in my house, after such a day that I had with Chuuya, I was eating some crab, thinking about a lot of things, mostly Chuuya and the new plan about the enemy agency, now that he thinks about it, in that night, where the double black destroyed a whole agency in one single night, there was something about it, it was weak, even if it seemed the big thing, will it be the same with this one? I kept thinking and thinking.

Oh wait, I've been sitting here for thirty whole minutes, I should finish eating, so I did, I could easily have been sitting there for one hour of i didn't realize about it.

I got up, and watched some TV, I was quite lonely that day, so after watching some TV, I went out, to see who will I find while that.

I started walking, looking at everything around me, if I got to see someone that I knew or something, and I saw Chuuya over there, buying some clothes, as always, he's always been quite the fashionable, that brought me a lot of memories, when we were 18, Chuuya liked to go and buy whatever kind of clothes that he found, he likes gothic style and that things, he always used dark clothes, he got used to the Mafia's clothing style, even if it just passed a year, he loved it, and I bet that he still does.

Chuuya's pov.

I was completely focused on buying clothes, I have such an enormous quantity of different types of clothes, but I can't get enough, I was even ignoring everything around me, just as always.

But then, I suddenly felt a presence, a presence that I already knew perfectly I turned around to see who was behind me.

Narrator's pov.

Chuuya saw Dazai.

Chuuya: Mackerel? What are you doing here???

Dazai: I was just too bored at my house......, So I decided to go out and see who will I find around, and here I saw you~!

Chuuya: well, not now, get lost, I'm busy.....

Chuuya said that, just to keep adding more clothes to his bag.

Dazai: So meaaaannnnnnn! Just like always~!

Chuuya didn't respond to that, his plan was being executed, how would Dazai react if Chuuya ignored Dazai every time he tried to annoy him?, But he still felt something fishy about it.

Dazai noticed immediately that Chuuya was ignoring him, Dazai tried to talk about something else, to see if Chuuya would ignore him

Dazai: so......ummm....

Dazai couldn't come up with a new topic, it was quite awkward, and Chuuya notices this awkwardness too.

Dazai: What do you think about all of this??? That we are going to work together again, and all this enemy agency stuff?

Chuuya: Honestly, I think that it will happen the same that happened that night, when we destroyed that one agency, the only thing that I don't want us that we get the heavy stuff on our shoulders.

Dazai was right, Chuuya was only ignoring him whenever he annoyed him, "was Chuuya's brain growing a bit?" Dazai thought.

 Dazai didn't know what else to say, it was quite awkward.

Dazai: you have any plans for today?

Chuuya: no.....why?

Dazai: Just to spend some time y'know.

Chuuya: Once I finish buying all of this stuff, we can.

Damn it, Dazai knew that Chuuya will last forever in this, when they were younger, Dazai used to accompany Chuuya to buy his desired clothes, Chuuya always lasted over 3 hours on that.

Chuuya: I know what you're thinking about, I won't last much, I've been here for an hour, I'm just buying the last things......

Dazai didn't knew if to get relieved, or more scared.

Chuuya didn't last much tho, just twenty minutes, Dazai was really relieved, Chuuya went to pay all of that stuff while Dazai waited outside, Chuuya came out of the store.

Chuuya: I'm done.

Chuuya and Dazai walked around the city, to the mall, to the park, to some random restaurants, even for some coffee.

Chuuya: What do we do now?

Dazai: I dunno, we've been going everywhere, but it's fun, like the old times.....

Chuuya: yeah.....

Dazai just noticed, Chuuya smiles slightly, his smile was warm, Dazai wanted to compliment Chuuya about it, he's not going to hold back.

Dazai: whenever you smile, you looks better than how you look angry.

Chuuya: A-AH?!..

Chuuya's face became red, he wanted to thank Dazai, and say the same about him, but he was just too afraid to do so, he's always been that way, he couldn't expressed himself good.

Dazai chuckled a little, that image of Dazai giggling a little, was beautiful to Chuuya, but he couldn't just tell him how he felt, but, why? They did compliment each other a lot, and used to be clingy with each other.

Chuuya's face just stayed red, Dazai thought that the image of Chuuya blushing was adorable, Chuuya was just too cute, but he wouldn't just tell Chuuya that he is cute out of the blue, even Dazai feels a bit flustered.

Chuuya and Dazai's final destination was on a bridge, it was now evening.

Chuuya: such good day that it has to be ruined by the fact that the next day we're going to have tons of work.....

Dazai: yeah.....such beautiful place tho.

Chuuya: yeah.....the sun looks amazing.

Right now, it was sunset.

After chatting a bit, they parted ways, and headed to their own apartment, and waited for the tiring day that will be tomorrow.

Author's note: hi, this chapter was a kid short, I'm sorry, I don't have enough time 😭😭😭😭.

Listen to the song that I put the last chapter, it's so good.

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