Starting to execute the plan

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Tw: smoking.

Dazai's pov.

I was waking up, getting ready to go and start to execute the mission, I took a shower, then had so!e crab for breakfast, and left almost running, I had to arrive early this time.

I arrived to the office the most early I could, it was exactly 8:00AM.

Kunikida: wow, early this time, that's a strange miracle Dazai.....

Dazai: huh? Where is the President?

Kunikida: he's talking with the boss of the Port Mafia, they're just doing business.....or at least that's what I'm informed.

Dazai: alright then

I went to my seat, and started looking at my phone, I had nothing to do more than that.

Kunikida: So, Dazai.

I looked up.

Kunikida: Did you organize well with Nakahara? We all had a bit of problem with organizing with the Mafia......

Dazai: Problem? Me? No, we already know how to organize well....I

Kunikida: why is that?

Dazai: we were the double black together, of course we'd know how to you silly~!

Kunikida: sometimes I forget that you used to work for the Mafia.......

Then, we all stayed silent until the President arrived.

Fukuzawa: I'm here, sorry for taking too long.

Everyone looked at Fukuzawa and greeted him, then we all sat on our respective seats and for ready to start the meeting.

Fukuzawa: as all of you already know, today is when we are starting to execute the plan, I'll tell you how are we going to organize generally, we will be sending all of the pairs on different times, and places.

Fukuzawa kept explaining, I didn't think that it was necessary to organize that way, I had my own reasons, but if course, I won't disobey.

After some time, all of the Agency members talked about it, and left the office to meet up with their work partner from the Port Mafia.

I walked to the meeting destination, and I saw Chuuya there, smoking.

Dazai: wow Chuuya~! Why do you smile that muchhhhhh????

Chuuya: That doesn't concern you Mackerel

Dazai: you're so mean!

I got aside Chuuya.

Dazai: You got the instructions about this right?

Chuuya: yeah, they're damn bullshit, it doesn't need that quantity of anticipation.......I'd rather improvise.

Dazai: actually same, but, there's nothing we can do about it.

Chuuya: so, we're going to leave in 7 minutes exactly, to be able to arrive at 5:00PM.

Dazai: Yup~!

Chuuya: hmmm....we'll just wait here.

Chuuya and I stood next to each other, our shoulders almost touching, the sea was near us, the sun looked really good at this time, and with the sea it looked even better, but if it was sunset, it would be even more beautiful.

Dazai: got any cigarette left?I

Chuuya looked at me and threw the cigarette he had on his hand, it was already too used, he got another one of his pocket where he was carrying them.

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