Chapter 5

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The first day of court went well. August didn't bother to even look my way. Although since after that dream, I'm not mad we aren't talking or looking at each other. It's day two and we're just getting started. "Hey Maliyah. Thanks for that note in there about the DNA fingerprinting." Mr. K says. "No problem it's what I'm here for." "Could you ask Mr. Alsina if his baby mother could come in and testify on Thursday?" "Sure."

As I walk out of the courthouse I see August on the steps talking to some guy. "August can I speak to you for a s second?" He looks at me and then back to the guy he was talking too. "I'll catch you later man." The guy walks away and then August turns to me. "What's up?" "Will you be able to get your baby mother to testify?" "I don't know." "Can you find out and let Mr. K know?" "Sure." I turn to walk away, "Maliyah." "Yes?" "Can we do dinner simply as old friends please?"

"August-" "Maliyah we need to talk. You can't kiss me one minute then act like it never happened the next." "Okay. We can do... Dinner." He smiles, "You riding with me?" "Sure." "Where to?" "How about Little Italy?" "Italian my favorite." "I know." I say getting in the car. We get to Little Italy and head inside and take a seat.

The entire time as we sit here and eat it's silence between us. It's hard when I feel like any moment someone I know will come in and see us together. This wouldn't be good at all and the media is covering this case from every angle. I would hate for something to come out and God forbid what it could do to my reputation or my job.

We get back to my place. "So when did you really get back?" I ask as we sit on my sofa. "Well I got out 3 years ago then we moved to Virginia for a while and now I'm here." "Hm. Great to know your were still alive." "Don't be like that." "How do you expect me to react August?"

"I don't know but don't be like that." "Whatever. You write me off then come back with a girl and child and expect me to be okay with it." "Shit with Toya wasn't supposed happen that way and she's not my girl. She was pregnant before I went in and that's how Aliyah came about."

"August that's when we were together or do you suddenly gave amnesia?" "It's the night after I left you." "Are you kidding me?" "Your the one who yelled it was over." "So you took that shit literally that time, but any other time you didn't." I say rolling my eyes. "But I'm back now." "And into some shit as usual." "I didn't do it." "I never said you did. I only said and into some shit as usual." "Alright Maliyah." It's a knock on my door. I get up to get it.

"Package for Ms. Wright." Who is delivering this late I wonder. "Thanks." I say as I shut the door. I open up the envelope. "Shit." "What's wrong?" August asks wrapping his arms around my neck from behind. I go to the next picture. "August you have to go." "Why? What happen?" I hand him the pictures while moving from his hold. "Okay it's us at dinner. I don't see the big deal."

"The big deal is this looks fucking bad. Keep looking through the pictures." He gets to the one I was referring. Someone was following us and photographed us walking inside my house. "We're just friends it's shouldn't be took out of content." "You don't understand. This is my job on the line here." "I think you freaking out too soon." "No I'm not. I've worked too hard to get where I'm at to lose it all for a nigga who could give 2 fucks about my ass."

"Well damn Maliyah." "I honestly feel like you don't. It doesn't matter if your here now, where were you when my dad died? The one person I wanted to see and who I honestly felt would understand cut me off."

"I do care. You already know I'm not the type of nigga to beg for fucking forgiveness I've apologized already. Get over that shit. It's nothing either one of us can do about it but move the fuck forward. If I didn't care about you do you think I would be here. I admit 3 years ago once I got I wasn't ready to face you but now is a different story."

"What the fuck ever. I have enough shit on my plate and this shit just adds more fuel to the fucking fire. I bet this shit was Darius doing." "Who is Darius? A nigga you forgot to mention." I roll my eyes, "No it's the DA. Even if it was I don't have to inform you on anything." "I was gone find out anyway. Like that lame ass nigga Monique hooked you up with."

"At least he was there and treated me decently." "He didn't even remember your name." "He was drunk." "So I remember your name when I'm drunk." "Okay and?" "So he's still a lame ass nigga." "You still have to leave." "Maliyah." "August." "Finish telling me about the Darius nigga. What he do and why does he have people following you?" We sit back down on my sofa. "So remember when I told you about why I had to give Mr. K your case." "Yes." "Well that was only half of the reason." "So what was the other half?"

"He offered to reduce your charges if I accompanied him to the Governor's Ball." "The fuck?" "And the other night while I was out eating he gave me an envelope with old pictures of us. I'm still trying to figure out how he got them in the first place." "So basically this nigga trying to con you into being his date and quote on quote black mailed you and that's why you gave Mr. K my case?" "Yes basically." "Why didn't you tell me this? I got something to set that fuck nigga straight." "Because I knew you would act just like your acting now."

"Now he has niggas following you around all because he wants you. This nigga gone get seen about." "August you can't do anything your already on his fucking hit list and he will do anything in his power to have your ass back in prison." "He can't go around trying to intimidate people. We gone see how he likes that shit." "August did you listen to anything I just said?" "I hear you Maliyah but my mind is already made up."

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