Chapter 10

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"Ms. Wright may I see you in my office." Mr. Jackson says. Things have been crazy since those pictures got out. August doesn't see how big of a deal this is for me but its not his reputation he has to worry about. I walk inside Mr. Jackson office.

"Maliyah do you listen to anything I tell you." "Yes Mr Jackson that was-" "Save it. The damage is done now. Maliyah I told you to keep whatever you two had going on out of the office." "I know and we did but-" "Maliyah your suspended until further notice." "Mr. Jackson-"

"it's done with Maliyah I'm being generous allowing suspension with pay. But until all of this blows over your suspended and off of the Erickson case. Do we have an understanding?" "Yes sir." I leave out and go to my office and gather whatever I'll need for the next month or so.

Could this get any worse? I check my phone as I walk out of the building. I see August sent me a text, : Let's do lunch.: I call him, "What's up baby?" He coos through the phone. "I don't feel like doing lunch." "Why you sound like that? What's wrong?" "I'll tell you later." "Okay then. So what are you going to eat?" "I don't know." "I'll bring you something by." "Okay." "Whatever it is it's going to be okay Maliyah." "Yeah... I'll see you when you get to my house." I hang up.

I make it to my house by noon. This day is officially marked as one of the worst days of my life. All of this for drama for one guy. I take my pint of ice cream out the freezer and grab a spoon. As I stuff my face, it's a knock on my door. "It's open." I yell. August walks in. "Must be bad if you brought out Hagen Dazs." "I'm suspended until further notice." "For what?" "This whole with the pictures and us." "What does that have to do with your job?"

"Everyone is all over this shit. As I've said a million times before it looks bad. Then that picture of us in my office didn't help." "Do you think it was Darius?" "More than likely that's the only person who I know for a fact had pictures." "Hm. I'll be back." "Where you going?" "To my car." "For?" "To get something." He leaves out.

My front door opens, "August can you bring me a plate to split this food up? I'm not going to eat all of this." "That's cute Maliyah. Having lunch with your convict boyfriend." "Get the fuck out of my house." "One last chance." "Hell no now I suggest you get out before you encounter problems you don't want on your hands."

Darius laughs, "Oh sorry for the pictures getting out apparently my laptop was stolen." "Nigga you trespassing." Oh God. "Look who it is... If it isn't Mr. Alsina himself. That's a big word you just used by the way."

"Get the fuck out." "Ill be back. It's always a pleasure to see you Maliyah." Darius says leaving out. August goes and locks the door. "Your not staying here." "August your the one who left the door open." "Until this nigga gets dealt with your staying with me." I cut the TV on. "Can you get me a plate?" I ask. He gets up and goes into the kitchen.

"In recent news it been discussed that a cover up may have been going on for the defense in the Alsina vs State trial. The entire process has been.m questioned and the family of Quavantay Diggins is requesting the case be looked at again. We spoke with the prosecution who says the case has been reopened and the state is investigating. This time it will be filed under different charges, that many say are more appropriate to the case. Many are questioning the integrity of Maliyah Wright a top defense attorney. She was the co chair on the defense who's apparently been with the defense more ways than one-"

"Stop watching that." August says cutting off the tv. "August." "You're already living through it. You don't need to watch it on tv." I grab the plate and split the food up. "The rest is yours." I say getting up and sitting my ice cream in the freezer. I sit back down and grabs my plate. "Cheer up." He says wrapping one arm around my neck and pulling me down almost my plate out of my hand. "Chill."

"Smile for me." "August." "Come on. Let me see." "Stop." "Come on baby." I smile. "Okay now move. I'm hungry." "You can eat now." He says letting me up. "Thank you." I finish eating and go throw my things away and get my ice cream back out. "We should go out tonight.." August says. "No we shouldn't." "We can't sit in here the entire night and I need you to pack a bag."

"We aren't going out but l will pack a bag of you ask nicely." He sucks his teeth, "Nicely my ass." "Guess who won't be moving off this sofa." "Maliyah," "August." I say putting a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth. He looks and me and I look back at him. He's not winning this. "Maliyah." "August ask nicely." "No." "Well then better get comfy." I say sitting my feet across his lap. He pushes my feet down causing them to hit the corner of the table. He looks up at me and smile.

"Don't look at me. That shit hurts." "Who you yelling at?" I roll my eyes. August gets up and hovers over me. He throws me over his shoulders and walks into my room then throws me down on the bed. "May you please pack your bag so we can go over to my place?" "Your not letting this go are you?" I ask. "No because I will have to catch a body for real if I see that nigga back up in here." "As if you need those problems. Are you going to think like a hood nigga for the rest of your life?"

"It hasn't failed me yet." "What you call sitting in prison for three years?" "A stumbling block." "August." "Alright look can we talk about this later." "Whatever." I sit up on the bed. "Pack you a bag."

We get over to August's place. "This is nice. I never knew you were living like this." "What you thought I was still in some broken trap house looking shit?" "No just wasn't expecting it to look like this. This is fancier than my apartment." He laughs, "Welcome to my crib." "Thank you although it's not like I had a choice."

"Your right. I feel better knowing your here with me." I smile, " I feel safe-er already." "You should... So It's clear we still care about each other, the chemistry is still there, and I believe our bond is stronger than ever before. When are you going to be my girlfriend?"

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