Chapter 14

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"Nina I'm supposed to be meeting with Nicole Roberts today could you notify me once she arrives." "Yes ma'am Ms. Wright." "Thank you."
Once I finish up my paper work I get my computer out and look at the time. Punctuality is big for me and it's 2:30. She was supposed to be here at 2. I open up my emails, she said she would be here at two. "Nina..." "Yes Ms. Wright?" "Has Ms. Roberts called or anything?" "No ma'am she hasn't."

I sit there for fifteen more minutes, "Ms. Wright Ms. Roberts is here." "Let her in please." I stand up. A few seconds later my door opens and she walks in. "Good afternoon Ms. Wright." She says shaking my hand. "Good afternoon." I sit down then she sits. Nina shuts the door. "I apologize for my tardiness. Traffic on 75 was horrible." "I'm sure but it's fine." "So brief me." "His name is August Alsina he has Criminal record and a pretty lengthy rap sheet. But he's seeking full custody of his daughter." "And how did he get in contact with you?" "That matters why?" "I was just curious."

"Hm." "And I watch the news..." "That has nothing to do with why I called you." "So are the rumors true are you with him?" "I'd prefer not to discuss my personal life." "Fine. But he is cute." I look up at her, "Anyway do you think you could handle it?" "Oh yes I can definitely handle it." "Do you think you could win?" "I could try this in my sleep." I chuckle, "What's your percentage in a cases like these?"

"What? Woman to woman... Your asking about Fine ass thug niggas seeking custody of their child." I hate people keep attaching that shit to his name. "More or less." "I could make Osama look like a church saint. He's in great hands. I'll even do it pro bono." She'd be hell of a defense attorney if she's as good as she's saying. "I doubt he will go for that." "Whatever he gives its a tip."

"Okay." "I have a question for you." She says. "Yes?" "Do you honesty think the child being with him is in both of their best interests. "I do." "That's all I need to know..... It's a pleasure finally meeting the one and only Maliyah Wright. I enjoy watching your work. Let August know I'll be in contact." "I will nice meeting you too." She leaves out. I wrap up everything and head to the house.

"Knock, knock." Monique says before coming in. "Hey." "Hey girl. Why are you just laying here?" "I don't have anything else to do." "I just knew August would be over here." Sheree says walking in. "Nope he's not." "What have y'all done now?" "He dropped me off after the Bahamas and I haven't heard from him since." "Have you tried calling him?" "No I haven't." "You should." "I shouldn't." "So stubborn."

"How was the Bahamas?" "Amazing man. It's gorgeous there." "Did y'all bust it?" "Monique seriously? Can you not just ask if we had sex.." I ask. "Well did you?" "We did." They laugh, "Finally! Shit." "Whatever." "We need to go out." I knew that would be coming. "I don't feel like it." "Your not about to sit here." "Yes I am." Monique phone rings, "Hello?... Over Maliyah's... Okay." She hangs up. "Chris is coming over." "Okay."

"Well since your aren't trying to go out how about we cook?" "What we gone cook? I haven't been grocery shopping." "We'll go to the store." "Okay." "We'll be back." "See you when you get back." "You better be off this damn sofa when we get back." I laugh, "Alright I got y'all." I say getting up. They leave out and a few minutes later it's a knock at the door.

"What's up cousin?" "Hey Chris." He comes in. "Where everybody go?" "To the store we're supposed to be cooking." "Cool. I love to eat." I laugh. "So you talk to ya boy?" He asks. "I did but he didn't take too kind to it." "Damn." "I know." "Did he have anything to do Darius?" "Are you asking me as my cousin or as an agent?" "Both." "I can't answer that because I honestly don't know." "Hmm..." "Are you with Monique because you actually like her or because of who she's connect to?" "Damn Liyah. I wouldn't do ya girl like that."

"I'm just asking. People sometimes have ulterior motives." "Nah this is strictly personal with her." "So what do they have on August?" "Are you asking as my cousin or as his lawyer?" "Both." "Not much yet but they have been talking to his baby mother." I roll my eyes, "What's she talking about?" "Not much. She won't break." "How do you know he even has a trap house?" "Be serious Maliyah. You and I both know what he's about." "Don't do my baby like that. Looks can be deceiving." "I'm sure. How has been with your client worked out for you anyway?" "He was my friend before I became a lawyer."

"Still I know you see what it's doing to your name." "It doesn't matter." "Just don't get caught up, I would hate to see you get involved in his shit." "I'm grown and I'm not stupid." "Alright." "I appreciate the look out tho." "No problem. It's what your big cousin is for. How's your mom?" "I don't know." "What you mean?" "We haven't spoken in years." "Damn real shit?" "Real shit. I don't know where she is, if she's dead or alive, I have no idea." "That's crazy." "It is what it is."

"Maliyah come help grab these groceries." Monique says walking in. "What's up baby?" Chris says greeting her. "I still have to get use to hearing that." I say getting up. They laugh. We get all of the groceries in and begin cooking.

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