Chapter 16

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One week later, "Baby get me a hash brown." "I want one too daddy." "Coming right up." August says through speaker phone. I'm working from home today. August and Aliyah stopped by. Aliyah and I sent him off to get breakfast. Shit has cooled down a little since that fight with Toya and August is back to being around on the normal basis.

"Alright I'll see you two when I get back." "Alright bye." I hang up. I look back at my papers for court in the morning. "What are you doing?" Aliyah asks. "Getting my things together for court." "What kind of things?" "Just notes and things I want to ask." "Did daddy do that when he went to court?" "Yes." "Mommy said daddy doesn't come visit us like he use to because he has a new girlfriend."

"Really?" "And the other day we went to the store and I wanted to get some cookies but mommy said no because daddy wasn't giving us money anymore because he doesn't love us anymore." I sit my pen down and she sits in my lap.

I shake my head that's a damn shame Toya is doing this childish shit. "Baby your daddy loves you a lot don't ever question that." "But who is his new girlfriend? Have you met her?" I laugh, "We'll have to ask daddy about that one." August walks in the door and smiles. "Daddy's home." Aliyah hops down and goes to the table. Aliyah were going to go get plates out of the kitchen." "Okay." We walk into the kitchen, "Babe I need to talk to you really quickly."

"What's up?" "I was just talking to Aliyah and Toya is tell her you aren't over because you have a new girlfriend and you aren't giving them money anymore because you don't love them anymore." His jaw clenches up. "Why the fuck would she tell a six year old shit like that?!?" "Lower your tone I don't want her hearing that." He grabs the plates and we walk back into the dining room. We eat and head into the living room. "Liyah daddy loves you.. you know that right?" She smiles, "Yes daddy." "Come give me a big hug." I smile looking at them.

The next day, this new D.A is one tough fucking cookie. She's not me but close enough shit. "Your honor we would like to dismiss the drug stores evidence." "Objection! There are no grounds to dismiss the evidence and that is a key piece of evidence showing that my client wasn't at the scene of the crime." I say standing up. Who the fuck does this bitch think she is? Trying not to throw out my shit. Someone needs to throw her ass out of this court room with that damn tacky ass outfit. "Approach the bench."

We walk up to the judge. The court doors open. "Your honor we're sorry to interrupt but Maliyah Wright we need you to come with us." "Your honor may I request a continuance." I ask praying he shows me a little mercy. "Ms. Adams is that fine with you?" "Yes it is your honor." "Court will continue on the Tuesday Morning. Court adjourned." I gather my things and walk out with the men. "What's this about?" I ask once we make it to their truck.

"We'll find out soon ma'am." "No I won't.. I have the right to know what this is about now." They don't say anything. I'm the one who has the right to remain silent not these niggas. We get to their building and I'm escorted inside. "Maliyah." I see Aliyah. She looks upset. I go up to her and she hugs me. "Are you okay baby?" "They took daddy." She says crying. My heart starts beating fast. "Ms. Wright come with us please." "I'll be back Aliyah stay right here."

We walk into this room with two detectives. "Good afternoon Ms. Wright nice of you to join us. I'm Agent Jim." "Please note that I will be talking your supervisors. I have the right to know why I'm in here and these two here never answered my damn question." "Hey we're all on the same side here let's not resort to vulgar language." Agent Jim says. "Let's try this again shall we... Why am I here?" I ask sitting down in the chair. "Your track work is impressive." "I know." "We know your good at what you do. Does that include murder?" The other detective says. "Excuse me? What?"

"It's not secret you didn't like LaToya Harris." "I didn't." "So you're admitting you didn't like her?" The other agent asks. "Yes." I say shrugging my shoulders. "What was the cause of the fight between you two at the club?" "She was running her damn mouth." "Enough to make you want to kill her?" Damn I just realized what they asked me. Toya is died. "No." "We have a clear motive that your the one behind her death." Agent Jim says. "It's clear you have nothing otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here and you wouldn't be trying to get a confession which is won't be one because I didn't kill her."

"We have video of the fight." They say showing me. "And? That proves nothing." "She was carrying the child of your boyfriend." "She was what?" I shake off my feelings and get back to getting my ass out of here. "I was unaware that she was pregnant." "You could be arrested." "I could not because she got up and well after the fight looking perfectly fine." "How would you know you walked out of the club?" "The video you just showed me right here yes she's up and looks perfectly fine well minus a few bruises and tracks missing but looks fine to me." "Ms. Wright this doesn't look good."

"What doesn't look good is y'all interrupting my damn court session for this bullshit. Condolences to her family. I hope you find out who murdered her. Now I'll be leaving." I say getting up and walking out. Bum ass niggas using that weak ass shit to attempt to pin this shit on me. "Excuse me where is August Alsina?" "And you are ma'am?" "His lawyer." The agent escorts me to the room he's in. "I'm Maliyah Wright. Mr. Alsina lawyer. Are you arresting my client?" "No ma'am we aren't but we only have a few questions more for him." "We're done here. Let's go August."

August looks up at me and smiles. We walk out of the building. Aliyah looks heartbroken. Damn this shit is fucked up. We get to my place. Aliyah eats and then goes into my room and goes to sleep. "I was glad you walked in there." August says sitting me in his lap. "I know. How are you?" "I can't believe that shit. It still feels unreal." "I'm sorry for your lost." "Yeah..." "You knew they're trying to pin that shit on me." August laughs. "I wish I was there to see that scene... But seriously I know you didn't do it." "Do you know who did?" "I have an idea but I'm not 100% yet."

His phone rings, "This damn number... What?!?... You go after my baby mama nigga that's weak shit.. I want a nigga to try to and do shit to my daughter... Over my dead fucking body.. Nigga I don't have to time for all his talking shit." He hangs up. "Who was that?" "A broke ass nigga who's playing with his fucking life." "You think they had something to do with Toya's death?" "Yes." "Baby you have to tell the Feds." "If I do that then I would incriminating myself." "Damn baby." "We'll figure this shit out some kind of way."

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