Chapter 19

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I want be next morning and August is gone. I call him and get no answer. I get up and find something to wear, thank God this is the last day of this trial. Once I'm done showering and getting dressed I try calling August again. Still no answer. "What the hell is going on?" I mumble. I sigh grabbing my keys and leaving out.

Sitting in this courtroom is going by so damn slow. I look down at my phone. "Ms. Wright.... Ms. Wright..." I look up, "Yes our honor?" "Do you have any questions for the witness?" "No your honor." I look over at Jermaine. If this nigga licks his damn lips at me one more time and where the fuck is August.

After we issue closing arguments court is dismissed for recess. Hopefully the jury comes back with a decision today. I go to the cafe across from the courthouse and grab a wrap. I call Monique. "What's up girl?" "What you doing?" I ask. "Nothing just got done doing some hair. What you doing?" "Eating some lunch. Have you spoke with August any today?" "No I haven't. What happen?" "Nothing has happened but he wasn't there when I woke up this morning nor has he answered the phone." "Oh I don't know. That's odd though." "I know."

I finish talking to her and eating and head back over to the courthouse. I text August to call me whenever he sees this message. The jury came back and Jermaine was not found not guilty. "Thank you Ms. Wright." "No problem." "You were worth the entire million." I smile and get my briefcase up. "Oh a guy told me to give this to you." I grab the envelope. "It was nice doing business with you."

I head to the office to get a few things. "Ms. Wright. How are you?" Agent Jackson says. "I'm fine and yourself?" "I'm great. Listen our system was hacked into and your video is now the number one trending video on YouTube, world star, and your even trending on Twitter." "What the fuck? Shouldn't your security systems be secure enough to prevent things like that from happening?" "We're investigating it." "I'm sure you are." I say rolling my eyes. I walk into my office.

Mr. Jackson is sitting there waiting for me. Damn man the look on his face doesn't look pleased. "Maliyah. Your fired. Every since that damn nigga walked into this office your performance and character has been trotting down hill. I can't have this type of reputation at the firm I've worked my ass off to get here." "Mr. Jackson-" "Get your things and leave." He leaves out. I get to my car and cry.

I try calling August but again no answer. I head home and cut my phone off. Can this get any worse!

I wake the next day with a headache. I look in my bag for some medicine. I see the envelope Jermaine gave me. It's a lengthy ass letter and something else I'll read the letter first.

It's a lot of things going on right under your nose. Your boyfriend has all of the answers. He's not as innocent as he's saying he is. He has what's mine and I need it. His baby mother is already gone I'd hate to see something happen to you. Until I get what's mine the list will only get longer and longer until he's alone. Be sure to relay the message to him. The pictures can be sent in at any time. We'd hate the Feds to get to him first. Best regards.

I open the package full of pictures. It includes him meeting with some guy, carrying some work out of a warehouse. I sit them down and think this through. I try calling him again. Ugh what the fuck is this nigga doing. I hang up once his voicemail picks up. I'm ready to throw this damn phone.

It's a knock on my door, "Who is it?" "Chris." I get up and open the door. "What's up how you feeling?" "I'm alright." "Where's August? He wanted me to come pick him and take him down to the building today." "When you talk to him?" "Earlier that day of the night we went to dinner." "I haven't spoke to him." "Really?" "Do I look like I'm joking?" "Chill. I'll catch you later I gotta get to work. Tell August to call me if you hear from him." "Alright."

I lay down and fall back asleep. I wake up to my phone ringing, "Aye." I look down at the phone. "Where the hell you at?" "I'm out of town." "Nigga-" "Before you snap I'm fine." "If I wasn't glad to hear from yo ass I would hang up." He laughs, "What you doing?" "Laying down." "How did court go?" "That went well." "What's up what you sound like that?" I sigh, "The fight surfaced and I lost my job." "Damn baby for real." "Yes. Where you at?" "In Florida." "Why you just leave without saying anything?" "I just needed to get away." "You could've took me with you." "You had work."

"So..." "I'm sorry." "When you coming back?" "I don't know." "What you mean you don't know?" "I'm not sure when in coming back." "August." "Maliyah what?." "Stop playing." "I'm not." "Yes you are." "Aye I gotta go. Ima call you back." "August you better call me." "I am baby." "Okay." "I love you." "I love you too."

Down For Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें