~Chapter 13: A prophetic revelation~

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"Good morning everyone!" Says Croc cheerfully, more jubilant than ever.

"Morning," says Wild tiredly, with visible eye bags.

"Hi guys," Honey says, walking out of the cocoon cave and yawning.

"Why's there a mark on your shoulder?" Says Croc suddenly, pointing.

"There is?" Said Honey, turning to look. "Oh there is."

"You good?" He asks.

"Yeah," she says.


Later that day, they were all sitting in the cocoon cave and talking while Sundew secretly watched outside.

"Guys?" Said Honey suddenly. "Ever wonder why Stella's here?"

She glanced at Stella.

"I don't mean that in a rude way," she explained, "but she's not in our winglet and I don't think anyone really knows her."

"I do..." Reef says.

"Oh." Honey says.

"I've always wondered the same thing," Wild says thoughtfully. "I've seen her a few times at Hade Mountain Academy, but I don't really know her."

"Hang on, doesn't she have NightWing powers?" Kimber says, pointing at the small silver teardrop scales on Stella's face.

"She can't read minds, if that's what you're saying," says Reef.

"I think she can do prophecy," says Croc. "She told me at school once I think."

"Um..." Stella says.

"Did Blue ask you to come?" Marigold asks. "You were in his office when we got there."

"No! No," Stella says quickly. "I... thought you guys were cool, so I wanted to hang out with you guys! Yeah, yeah that's it." She says, almost like she was convincing herself.

"That was a REALLY poor explanation," Croc remarks.

"W-what do you mean," Stella stutters.

"You don't seem very sure of that," Kimber adds.

"You're not being honest, are you," Wild adds to the other two.

Stella sighs.

"No, I'm not. I just don't know how to put it..." she trails off.

"Just tell us," Honey says.

"Well... here goes nothing..." Stella says. "Be prepared."

Everyone sits back, and even Marigolds cocoon seems curious.

Stella takes a deep breath and recites.

Fear those who have thoughts of injustice,
And the vicious chaos it brings,
love the six who come to fix,
Broken bridges and other things,
But beware of what lies ahead,
Enemy dragons living and dead,
In the darkest of hours,
When nothing is bright,
Dragons turn to villains,
So make sure you pick right,
The mystic egg lies in wait,
Finding it will determine your fate,
No dragons will survive,
Unless you find the light,
Defeat dragon of hive,
And dragon of night,
Listen close, you have been warned,
What happens when you mess with the scorned.

Everyone sat in silence for a few seconds.

"Oh my gosh..." Honey says, breaking the silence. "So, were the prophecy? That's why Blue chose us?"

"I... think so," Stella says.

"Wow," says Croc. "You must be excited to be taking care of tiny tots," he says, turning to Honey and winking.

Everyone sits awkwardly again.

"Well, we only have 3 days left until Marigold comes out of her metamorphosis," Croc says, "are we going to tell her or will she die if happiness and give us all fourth degree burns?"

"3?" Says Honey, "I thought it was 4!"

"You guys all slept for a day..." Croc says. "We all slept for a couple hours, then I woke up and-" he catches himself, "gardened. I grew some more helpful plants."

"Croc, you really need to sleep," Wild says.

"I do, don't I," Croc says with a sigh.

He gets up and walks out of the cocoon cave towards the sleep cave.

"Sleep well Croc!" Wild calls after him.

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