~Chapter 15: Very frozen food~

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At the island, Reef pops out of the water with five fish in his mouth. He spits them out onto the beach.

"Now that's how you do it," he says, grinning. "Stella! Reef! Kimber! I caught some breakfast!"

They come trotting over.

Kimber eyes the fish.

"Nice catch!" He says with a grin. "I just woke up."

"Thanks!" Says Reef.

Everyone grabs a few fish and settle down to eat.

"Where is Croc?" Reef asks.

"He went back to Middle Town to get some apples," Wild replies, biting into a mango.

"Can't he just grow some?" Honey asks.

"Exactly what I said!" Says Wild around a mouthful of mango.

"And he just got some real sleep too..." says Kimber with a sigh.


*Meanwhile with Croc*

"It's been a few hours, do you guys have more apples?" He asks the merchants

"Yup!" The merchant replies, handing him a crate of apples.

Croc hands him the money and prepares to depart.

Note that this interaction hasn't actually happened yet, it's a few days in the future but right here... because. Don't question my reasoning.


"It's a long flight from here to Middle Town..." Stella says with a worried glance back at the way Croc went. "Do you think he'll miss Goldie coming out of her cocoon?"

"I hope not," says Honey in its a sigh. "We do have 3 more days left after all."

"Well," says Reef, pointing at the dwindling pile of fish. "Let's hunt for a bit then."


Hours later, they've collected a large amount of prey on the beach.

"Let's find a place to put it," Wild says, "you won't eat all of this tonight."

Reef yawns.

"Let's sleep in tomorrow morning," Reef says. "I wonder what Crocs doing?"


*Croc at that exact moment*

"264th! Dang!"


Wild wakes up first the next morning.

"Good morning Reef, Stella, Honey, Kimber," she says, dipping her head at each in turn and stifling a yawn.

"Where's the food?" Kimber asks.

"Over in that cave," Honey points to a cave as she says this.

Reef walks over and chomps some meat.

"This is so frozen it could be part of the arctic," he says, "but it's still good."

"It got really cold overnight then," Stella remarks, gobbling up one of the mangos.


"What should we do today?" Stella asks when everyone is finished with breakfast.

"I don't know, there's really not much TO do," says Honey with a sigh.

The group ends up splitting up to do various tasks and games to keep themselves occupied for the entire day, and they go to bed without can't trouble or events.


The next day, Honey notices something.

"We're running low on food," she remarks as she comes out of the food cave.

"Well, Reef can catch some. I understand he's a good fisher?" Wild says with a glance at Reef.

"Can u help too?" Asks Honey. "Except I don't really know how to swim..."

"Well then you can learn with Reef today," says Kimber. "That'll give you guys something to do."

"Ok!" Says Honey.

"Let's go to the lake today," says Reef, spreading his wings and flying towards the small lake in the center of the island.

"Ok!" Says Honey, following.

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