The Man (Part 2)

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And now Bondita was at their dining table. She had been called by the lady. She was standing there waiting for her madam.

Their house servant was bringing food from the kitchen.

Bondita to the servant- ...can I you in arranging the dining table- she asked politely.

Servant- No no, Madam..what are you saying? Rather you should sit in the chair..if Badi Malkin sees you standing, I'll get scolding from her.

Bondita- Please..don't call me Madam...You can call me by my name, Mishti..and you can address me as 'tumi', coz I'm of your daughter's age, Kaka...(She paused at her bluntness)...umm...can I call you Kaka..if you don't mind?

The servant- You are really sweet like your name, Mishti ji! At least let me address you with 'ji' coz our occupations have big differences in terms of status,

Bondita, joining her hands- No work is little and big, kaka ji..if you address me with 'ji', then I'll also address you with 'ji'

The servant seemed to give up the argument..he joined his hands like Bondita and said- Thik hai Mishti meye, You are right! (He said happily)...and you can address me as Ramiz Kaka...(He said smilingly)

Mishti- Thank you Ramiz kaka! well...Can I ask you a question...actually, I'm new here and..

(Ramiz Kaka stopped her in the middle of the talk and smiled)

Ramiz Kaka- You want to know about our Malkin, her family, and your workplace, right?

Mishti nodded at him politely.

Ramiz Kaka- You don't have to be afraid of anything, are in very good hands..our Malkin and Chote Saheb are very generous, kind, and polite people. Zamindari is our Malik's ancestors' practice..which is now only practiced by our Chote Saheb to control the Britishers, maintain peace, and give equal and just treatment to the villagers. Our malkin looks after this mansion, the social works, and her school..and Chote Saheb looks after the zamindari and all financial affairs of our city and their family business. It has been 15 years since Bade Malik and Malkin moved in here after Bada Malik's father died...Earlier they used to stay abroad..very recently our Chote Saheb came here when Bade Malik had been left for take care of his only guardian, Badi Malkin..and to support her in the noble causes of society..and to look after their family business and others affairs..(he pause to take a breath)..Chote Saheb did not want to come here..instead wanted to take his grandma... Matlab our Badi Malkin to abroad for forever..but our Malkin didn't agree...Badi Malkin wants to take her last breath here, where her husband and other family members lived...

Mishti didn't know what else to ask but still, she did

Mishti- Ramiz kaka, for how many years you have been working here?

Ramiz Kaka- Since the time Bade Malik and Malkin have been it has been 15 or more years, I've been working under them.

Mishti- Do you stay alone I have to?

Ramiz Kaka- No wife stays here too..she works as a chief chef here..and helps Malkin with household you'll meet her and taste her amazing food items cooked by your kaki...I'm sure you'll love her cooking.

Mishti also could not help but be happy seeing the jolly man in front of was so clear that this man loves his wife dearly.

Mishti- Of course kaka! Since you are saying so sweetly, kaki's cooking has to be the best.

Ramiz kaka- Indeed, Beta!

Mishti- but said about only three people here...what about the rest of the people?

Ramiz Kaka became sad at this question and took a sigh.

Ramiz kaka-- Mishti..didn't you hear the myth that good people last for a very short time in this world?

Misti getting confused- umm..yes Kaka, I heard.

Ramiz Kaka- sadly smiling- that's the case for our good owners, Mishti...They were so good people that Durga maa decided to take them back early to her...(he became quiet for a moment, then started again to talk - )- now there is only our Badi malkin and Chote Saheb lives here. my good Bade Malik went to the god 5 years ago..and Chote Malik's parents died in a plane crash when he was 7 years old..(he ended up)

Mishti became mum after hearing the sorrowful story of her new boss.

Mishti - I'm very sorry to hear that, Ramiz Kaka...(She paused, after sometime later) Ramiz kaka...I'm newly joined here...but I don't know my boss's name...Can you tell me the landlady's name who took my were there at that time.

Ramiz Kaka was going to say...but a voice came from behind them, that shut both of them.

The Lady - Mrs. Susmita Bannerjee!
(She came in front of Mishti and answered her questions by smiling at her)

Mishti greeted her by joining hands.

The Lady - But you can address me as Grandmaa..everyone here calls me least the children of your age.

But Mishti was hesitating to address her new boss as Grandmaa..but indeed..she is a very sweet lady... Her smile was so soothing that it removed all her worries regarding her new job.

Maybe the lady understood her hesitation.

The lady - what? Are you hesitating to call me Grandmaa because you'll work under me?!

Mishti - Actually....

The lady stopped her in the middle - But what if you don't have to work under me? Then I hope you'll not have any problem calling me as Grandmaa...

Mishti getting confused now..not understanding what the lady is indicating at...

The lady smiled at her and tapped on her hand lightly -Mishti..although you'll work as my school's finance manager... But you'll not be reporting to me..but to your Authority... That's my only grandson.
So, You can call me as Grandma... Thik hai?? Or do you want me to order you to call me, Grandmaa..hmm..?

(She asked playfully to Mishti)

Mishti smiled back at her - Umm...Thank you Grandmaa for arranging my accommodation... And for considering me worthy enough for the post.

Grandma gave an assuring stare and smiled.

Bondita in mind - They are so jovial people, may nobody cast bad eyes on their happiness, Please keep them happy and safe, Dugga Maa...(Mishti prayed)

Grandmaa turned to Ramiz kaka- Ramiz! Go and call your Chote Saheb for lunch.

Ramiz Kaka- But Chote Saheb didn't come home now...

Grandma- It's so late..did he informed you that he'll be late or anything?

Ramiz]- No, Badi Malkin and Chote Saheb didn't tell me anything...

Grandma -hmm...I think he'll be late for lunch..otherwise he would be here by now..okay, Mishti..let get start to eat... Take the Puri beta! It's your Runu Kaki's special.

Grandmaa served Mishti's plate with hot puris.

They were almost done with eating then Bondita heard a man's voice behind them.

The man- Good Afternoon, Grandmaa! Sorry, I got very late due to the meeting with the other Zamindars.

He said while standing beside his grandmaa.

And Both Mishti and the man were surprised when their eyes met each other.

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