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That must be another letter from the University related to Bondita.- thought Anirudh happily,

But this envelope felt a little heavy.

He carefully opened the envelope and brought out a paper. He opened the letter curiously as to know what the University authority had written to him about His Innocent, still Badmash Bondita. Tears were glistening in his eyes.

But His breath stopped at the first line of the sentence...It was not from the authority...

It was that very pearl-styled handwriting .. Which he kept longing to see again in real..and eagerly waited for it all these years...Finally, she wrote to him..her second letter to him...His Bondita's letter had finally arrived to him! 

But Anirudh is afraid to read further... don't know why...But he decided to read..with the hope that she wrote that, she'll meet him soon..
He started to read the letter with unknown fears in his heart.

"Dear Barrister Babu..

(He closed his eyes at this..again... She again wrote as Barrister Babu to him..that means she didn't forget the pain he caused her unknowingly for her good only that night....

She is upset with me..-Anirudh sadly thought... But decided to read further)

" Dear Barrister Babu,

I hope and pray that you along with all family members are doing good and happy in your respective life.

(Anirudh with teary eyes thought - No Bondita! Nobody is happy and fine here Bondita... Because of you leaving us all alone..and me...I'm just a living corpse, Bondita... Without you...-

 The letter was getting blurry for Anirudh,  so he wiped his eyes to read it clearly)

I'm sorry if this letter troubles you or makes you upset and angry... I know I'm not supposed to write to you anymore... Nor do I have any right to do so...I'm sorry to open a bad chapter named Bondita in your life again.....But I promise Barrister Babu...This will be the last time to open my chapter in your life from my side...

(Anirudh - what! What are you even thinking Bondita while writing this letter? You have got every right Bondita, to write to me! If you don't have rights on me then who'll have rights on me, Mrs.Bondita Anirudh Roy Chowdhury?! Just..just give me a chance to meet you, Bondita! I promise I'll clear all the Misunderstandings that you have got for me...And I will tell you what you mean to me, Bondita... To Your Pati Babu..)

I just could not help but write to already must have got another big letter and got the news...Still..I'm writing to you...
Barrister Babu, Finally I have fulfilled your and Bondita's dream of becoming a graduate and a Barrister. Yes, the journey of becoming a Barrister was not easy..but your guidelines and my maa's prayers made it easy for me and I overcame all the obstacles..and became a topper, a gold medalist in my Batch.

(Anirudh in teary eyes, smiled proudly and said loudly while clapping his hands with proud- Sabbash Bondita! Sabbash!)

And all these could happen only because of you Barrister Babu...If I'm educated and self-reliant today, it is all because of you.

(Anirudh- bilkul nehi, Bondita! Don't be so good! You earned this with your hard work only! Please don't give all credits to me,Bondita!  - he said happily)

Thank you for showing me the dreams, giving me wings to fly, safeguarding me from the malicious practices of the society in the name of tradition when I was with you, for taking up my responsibility, And for making me the person I am today.

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