Not Your -Part 2

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They were in the dining table. Ramiz kaka and Mishti were serving them. 

From Anirudh 's side, it was Ramiz kaka's duty to serve Anirudh and other guests.

And Mishti was mostly serving Grandmaa and Sameer and sometimes helping Ramiz kaka by passing and taking dishes around the dining table.

Grandmaa -Noticing Anirudh not eating,

Grandmaa- Mr.Anirudh, ...beta.. why are not you eating? Isn't the food good? Should I get you something cooked that you might eat?

Anirudh - Mrs. Bannerjee...Food is really good and tasty..It is just my habit to eat a little.

Grandma -It is really a bad habit, Mr. Anirudh .  You look already weak..and if you keep eating this little..You'll be more weak,beta! Doesn't your wife feed you well?! 

How can one let her husband to eat this little?! I'll telephone her and scold your wife,Barrister Saheb!

Anirudh looking at Bondita,

Anirudh - Nothing like that, Mrs.Bannerjee....She do take very good care of is just I am like this, who remain careless...

Mishti whole was serving water to Mr.Shakhawat, in her mind - Not careless, aap bohot jyada careless ho..Barrister Babu!

Ramiz kaka was going other side of the dining  table with a bowl of hot "daal"..

Accidently some hot daal fell on Anirudh's wounded hand,which he was hiding under the table.

Anirudh - ouchh..(he screamed on pain)

And took out his wounded hand from the  the table instantly.. 

And everyone in bewilderness  saw his roughly  bandaged, wounded blood-filled  hand.. The handkerchief was red by his blood...

Grandmaa getting worried - Mr. Anirudh?! What happened to your hand?!

And looked at Ramiz,
Grandmaa - what are you looking at Ramiz? Go and get the first aid box Fast...we need to dress up his wounds. 

Even Bondita got stunned seeing his blooded hand.

Anirudh - It’s okay..nothing happened to my hand..

Grandmaa- Nothing happened?  Yes, I can that see very well, beta... 

Ramiz hurriedly came with the first aid box.. And started to treat, only to stopped by stubborn  Anirudh Roy Chowdhury.... 

Anirudh - you have haldi at home? I would feel better if I apply haldi instead of ointment. 

Grandma - yes, you are right... Your wounds will be recovered soon if you apply haldi to your wounds. 

Grandma looked at Mishti,

Grandmaa- Mishti beta!,... apply your magical haldi to Mr.Anirudh's hand.. Take him to the drawing room and treat his wounded hand well...also take the bandage from the first aid box..

And looked at Anirudh - Go with Mishti,  Mr.Anirudh,  she'll treat your wounds like a doctor!

Mishti saying nothing, obliged to Her Grandmaa's words, took the first aid box from Ramiz kaka and looked at Anirudh -

Mishti- "Come in this way, Barrister Babu"

and took him to the drawing room, to dress his wounds. 

Meanwhile, Anirudh kept thanking her Dugga Maa numerous times for giving  this unexpected moment with his Bondita. 

Mishti- please sit on the sofa,Barrister Babu.

He sat on the sofa and Mishti sat in front of him, kneeling down on the floor. 

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