Not Your -part one

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Bondita was seeing herself through in the common room's mirror..she did not know why she was feeling conscious all of sudden..

Maybe the way he (Barrister Babu) stared at her..Was she looking untidy?.. She looked at her reflection on the mirror with attention.. 

Mishti saw irritatedly, Yes..her hair was messy.

She opened her long silky hair and tied her hair into a tight bun. Yes, now she was looking like formal.. She sighed.. 

And was going to kitchen to make coffee for Sameer Babu ..

Suddenly she felt someone loosed her hair  to let it stay open, as soon he released her hair bun!

Mishti not turning her back to him- Sameer Babu! What are you doing?! (She said irritated) 

Sameer - Making you to look more beauti... (He paused sensing Mishti's angry red nose) - I mean more you look like a beautiful  teacher from my school..

Mishti- please Sameer Babu! Don't irritate me now!

And tied her hair into tight bun again and was going to the kitchen.. But again Sameer released her hair.

Mishti - Sameer Babu! This is too much..I'm not feeling like to let stay my hair this loose..I'm feeling hot..that's why I'm tying it into bun..and don't dare to release it...otherwise I'll make sure to get you scolded by Grandma...

(she said irritatedly and was again tying her hair into a tight bun..but suddenly she felt a light pull)

Yes, Sameer had pulled her to him..but he maintained a decent distance between them instantly and stopped her hand, not letting her to tie a hair bun..

Mishti - Sameer Babu!

Sameer- shhhh...and tucked her front silky hair that were disturbing her eyes, behind her ears..

And requested softly..

Sameer- please let your hair stay opened..this way..Today is not that much hot..and why you are getting so disturbed?  Did anyone from the guests made you feel uncomfortable? (Sameer asked protectively) 

And Mishti remembered His(Barrister Babu) intense glares.

Sameer shook her a little by holding her shoulders  and asked her softly- 

Sameer- Mishti...can I ask you something..?  Did anyone from the guests misbehaved or disregarded you?

Just show his face to me..and I'll take care of the rest..You just don't take tension.. Tell me,Mishti..did..

Mishti  removed Sameer's hands from her shoulders and tried to smile at make him calm down..

Mishti- Nothing of that sort  happened.. Don't worry..Sameer Babu..I'm fine...

Sameer worriedly asked,

Sameer - And what about your headache? Is it still aching?

Mishti smiled at him.

Mishti- No, Sameer Babu..Grandmaa removed my all pain by massaging my head with her magical hands.

Sameer sighed relieved and looked at her with attention, 

Sameer - Are you sure? I'm noticing that since the time guests has come, you are quite disturbed and irritated.. 

Mishti - Nothing like that..I'm feeling irritated since the morning actually.. Maybe I did get not enough sleep in last night...and had a sudden sleep sometime irregular time...maybe that's why..

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