Soul Breaking

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Denki looked towards the woman standing there in front of him as he felt himself going into full panic and worry. He knew who this was and wasn't about to get taken away again. Not when he was finally happy here at UA with Sero with his new friends. 

The woman looked towards him. "Oh poor subject 18 all worried he's about to be in so much trouble." She said villainous, she slowly moved towards Kaminari as he seemed frozen in place because he was. The woman had used a freeze quirk on him making it importable to move. 

Kaminari tried his best to move as he cringed in pain. His body shook all over as he tried to move, but kept failing as his body wasn't in his control. A tear went down his cheek as the woman wiped it away with her finger as she held Kaminari's face in her hand. "Oh dear. I guess I touched a nerve." 

Time had also been stopped in the area around them, so no one was coming to save Kaminari this time even Sero was stopped in time standing in his own dorm room. 

The woman was now holding onto Kaminari's face looking into his eyes. "I only came here for what belongs to me." She pulled onto Kaminari's face as he cringed in return. 

Kaminari felt a pain going throughout his body as he felt like he was being ripped apart, but it was actully because Black Dust the woman right here in real life not a dream or nightmare. Here, right here pulling Volts from his body which was painful and hurting him a lot. 

Kaminari's thought moved around in his mind as fast as ever as he knew all he was supposed to do was head to his dorm room for the night, but now his other half was being pulled right out of him. 

Black Dust started laughing as Volts was half pulled from Kaminari's body already as the two teens looked to each other. Volts was in a daze, but still looking at his friend. 

Denki teared up screaming as he felt Volts get ripped out and thrown down the floor. 

Volts flopped onto the floor rolling onto his chest as he curled up into himself cringing as he wasn't stable ever when he was outside of Denki's body either was Kaminari as he flickered in and out existence slowly. 

Volts looked at Denki. "Help me....." He said struggling to get off the ground because Black Dust's foot was holding him down. 

Denki soon felt faint as he slowly fell to his knees breathing heavily. "Stop it!!! Stop it!! Stop it!!! Stop it please!!" He begged from the floor as he coughed. 

Volts disappeared after a few moments as Black Dust had teleported him back to the lab.

Denki could only fall to the ground as he watched through blurry eyes Black Dust disappearing as well. 

After a few seconds some of Denki's dorm floormates came running out of their rooms seeing Kaminari on the ground. 

Orjiro quickly keeled down with Iida by his side as the two got Kaminari's shaking head off the floor and onto Jirou's sweater that she had quickly pulled off as soon as she had seen Kaminari having a seizure on the floor. 

The group quickly moved getting Kaminari out of the middle of the hallway closer to the wall, but not to close only enough that no doors would hit him. 

The group could only watch as Kaminari's eyes rolled to the back of his head and then back as some small sparks came off of him, but still no one moved. 

The group waited at least 20 minutes until the seizure slowly passed and Jirou was running her hands through Kaminari's hair. "shh shh shh it's okay." She held Kaminari's head in her lap. 

Iida had called Aizawa only 10 minutes ago and he was heading as quickly as he could to make sure his student was safe and okay. 

Jirou kept Kaminari in her lap as she smiled looking at the still dazed Kaminari looking up at her. "Iida how long did Mr. Aizawa say he would be?" 

Koda stood quietly watching from his dorm room door as Iida checked his phone. "Hopefully any minute now." 

Kaminari was slowly coming to as he laughed. "I'm fine....guys...I just had a second...I was standing and the next...." He closed his eyes as the light burned his dry eyes a bit. 

Jirou looked at Kaminari. "No something happened out here. I felt like time stopped for a good 5 minutes and then I heard you in the hallway like this. No this wasn't just you saw something and got scared out of your mind to have a seizure right here in the hallway." 

The elevator door opened as Aizawa ran over sliding onto the floor close to his students. "What happened now!"

Iida looked at his teacher. "First of all Mr. Aizawa not to be rude, but keep your voice down. Second one second we were all moving and then time stopped for five minutes as Jirou had just said to us earlier. Now we're just trying to help Kaminari relax as we found him in the hallway having a seizure. It took 20 minutes to calm him down fully and stop it." 

Jirou nodded. "I held his head in my lap the whole time to be sure he didn't hit it on anything Mr. Aizawa." 

The group spoke to their teacher telling him everything as Kaminari just laid there in Jirou's lap looking up at her ear phone jacks that were attached to her ears. 

Soon Jirou and Iida were helping Kaminari to stand and walk into his dorm room. They got him to his bed before slowly leaving Kaminari alone in the room with Aizawa. 

The two could only look at each other as the door to the dorm room closed gently. Once the door was closed Aizawa looked at Kaminari from where he was standing. 

Kaminari was laying in his bed now ready to just pass out again because he was exhausted even more now after everything. 

Aizawa nodded slowly. "If you wanna stay here instead of coming to class tomorrow you may." He nodded before he left Kaminari alone in his dorm room. 

Kaminari waited until Aizawa was gone before he allowed himself to calm down enough to sleep. Soon as his nerves were calm and he didn't feel dizzy because of Volts being gone. He closed his eyes falling very quickly asleep.    


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