The Plan (Part 6)

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Hope & Josie tells Hope's Aunts about her pregnancy. Josie runs into problems at home. 

P.S. All i got to say is, Dammit Stefan. 


With Hope 

Hope is watching her girlfriend practice, and she must say Josie looks so fucking hot in her football gear. 

"Damn, girl stop drooling." Maya said as she snaps her fingers in front of Hope's face.

"Oh sorry, my baby looks amazing." Hope said dreamily. 

Maya smiles. "You're really happy, huh?"

Hope nods. "I've never been treated like a queen before, and Josie makes me feel special. I wasted 2 years on Landon, Maya."

Maya holds Hope's hand. "Hey, better late than never Hope. Besides, Josie has always been there for you. You know she's got your back. Remember when Dana tried to stuff your locker full of hay and dirt?"

Hope chuckles. "Yeah, Josie kicked her ass for it. I feel so fucking stupid."

"Why?" Maya frowns not understanding. 

"Because I never did pay attention to Josie, I just went off the rumors people were saying about her, and I never gave her a chance. Even though I never did pay attention to her, Josie was still there to protect me. I feel like a fool Maya."

"Hope, you're not. Look, I might not be a big church person, but my grandmother always told me that things happens on God's time. Hope, maybe it wasn't the right time for you and Josie, you know when he chooses the time for two people to get together, then it's right on time. You've got to have faith about this, he knew how much you and Josie loved each other. Look at you guys now."

Hope nods with tears in her eyes. "Josie was going through thing with Alaric and Penelope."

"Exactly, but now you two are having a baby together, you waited to find the right person to make love too, see God was right on time, Hope."

"Thanks Maya." Hope said as she wipes her tears away.

"No problem boo, you know I'm here." Maya gives her a side hug. 

Hope and Maya continues to watch Josie play, and Hope cheers for her girl. 

Josie takes her helmet off, and blows her a kiss. 

Landon was seething at this point, he hates that Hope got into a relationship with his archenemy. He hates Josie with a passion, he's going to make her life a living hell. 

After practice was over, Hope was waiting for Josie to come out of the locker room.

Josie comes out with Ethan, Kaleb and Mg. She daps them up before heading over to Hope.

"You did amazing out there baby, you were so fast." Hope said wrapping her arms around Josie's waist.

"I still got it, I'm just happy I didn't get suspended for kicking Landon's ass. So, want to head over to Rebekah's and tell your aunts?" Josie asked.

Hope sighs. "Yeah, might as well get it over with. There's no point of hiding it." 

"Okay, come on. Let's go get something to eat then, I have a feeling it's going to be a long night." Josie said as they walk out to the parking lot. 

Hope nods. Yeah, it will be." Hope said getting into Josie's car.

Josie drives to the grill, and then over to Rebekah's. It's going to be hell.


At Rebekah's

Hope and Josie are in the living room with all three of Hope's aunts. They're both nervous as hell, Josie is can't even find the right words.

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