Chapter 20: What Could've Been

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General POV

The first Order meeting was in two days! Sirius, Kreacher and Stacey had cleaned but the house was far too large for just the three of them! For Kreacher, cleaning around five bedrooms, covered in filth was hard but he was on his last two today. Stacey had to admit that he had done a fabulous job. They looked as good as new. She had purchased new mattresses, bed sheets, pillows and everything else because the Weasleys were coming, as well. Bedroom and kitchen wise, everything was perfect.

"So, I was thinking that we could start on the library today. Seems a lot easier and I'd rather be done a room rather than being half done," Stacey said. As she spoke, she put the dishes back into the cabinets.

"Wonderful," Sirius muttered. He had washed the dishes, after a bit of sulking, and now remained seated on one of the kitchen chairs as he watched Stacey work.

But she didn't seem to catch onto his sarcasm as she went on with her ideas, "I think there might be a boggart or doxies or something hiding there by now. I suppose they won't prove to be a big problem."

"Of course, I can hardly wait," Sirius grumbled. He wasn't used to doing any chores and now that he had to, he wasn't the least bit excited.

"Sirius, would you stop sulking about everything? Life comes with responsibilities!" She scolded, as she wiped her hands on the dishcloth.

He threw his head back exasperating, "I don't want to clean! I want to go out and do something!"

"Well you can't, alright? So stop acting like such a child and get to work! Or are you going to make me do it alone?" She snapped. Sirius didn't comment as he stared at his fingers drumming on the table. "Fine. Sit there and mope!"

Stacey flung the dishcloth at his face before storming out of the kitchen. The door slammed behind her causing Sirius to groan louder. He rolled his head over to face Andrew.

"You see that? Now she's mad," He grumbled. "And I hate it when she's mad and not just because I'm scared of her. But I don't want to clean!"

"Nap?" Andrew asked.

"Precisely! I'd like a nap," Sirius exclaimed.

"Where mommy?"

"Yes, yes I know. I suppose she is only trying to help get my mind of my pathetic situation ..." Sirius mumbled. Huffing, he stood up causing the chair to screech onto the ground. He swooped Andrew into his arms as he began to march off, muttering irritably to himself.

They entered the library to see Stacey on a chair, reaching up to clean the top of the shelves. However, she was far too short. Sirius chuckled, placing Andrew down in a secure and safe spot. He walked over and said, "Alright, darling, don't break something. Move aside, I'm a good six/seven inches taller than you!"

"I don't need your help," She muttered. Sirius shrugged and carried her up before swinging her over his own shoulder. "Sirius Black, you put me down right now!"

He did as she requested, laying her down on the couch. He pointed at her saying, "You clean the lower stuff, little one."

"I'm not that little," She mumbled.

Sirius winked before climbing onto the chair himself. The extra inches came in useful. Stacey smirked at him before she walked over to another part of the room. As the cleaned they exchanged coy glances before breaking out into smiles.

After a few gruling hours cleaning Sirius left to get them something to drink. While he was gone Stacey moved aside a large cabinet which revealed a boggart. There was nothing Stacey feared more than this because she never faced her fears. She always chose to avoid them.

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