★彡02|28 - "I thought I told you guys to go away."彡★

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Y/n jumped over the ledge, landing steadily on the floor as the last one of the group. Asher had stayed down to keep watch, in case one of Uma's followers or the one there at the behest of the Red Queen were to return.

Carlos looked at the girl with raised brows.

Y/n scoffed. "What? You think I haven't climbed mountains and such before? Have you seen the North or pictures? Mountains are all there is."

Carlos shook his head with a small smile. "No, I'm just impressed, after all you went through," he vaguely gestured to her hands. Then his eyes widened in horror at his own mistakes. "Not that I don't think you're strong enough to overcome that stuff, it's just that I'm surprised— But you know I'm also very happy that you're alright and—" Carlos sighed, dragging a hand through his hair. "This isn't turning out the way I thought it would."

Y/n couldn't help but smile at the guy's adorable rambling. "I get it, Carlos. Now come on, the others are waiting."

The two started walking, joining Evie and Jay at the corner where they had to climb another small set of stairs to get up to the lair.

Mal spun around as soon as they entered the room. "I thought I told you guys to go away."

"M," Evie started carefully. "Uma got Ben. She needs you to go alone to the Chip Shoppe tonight if you want to see him again."

Mal stared for a second. "Are you serious right now?" She sighed, leaning against a pillar. "If you guys never would've brought him here, this never would've happened — what were you thinking?!"

"He was gonna come with or without us, we just wanted to protect him," Evie reasoned.

Y/n sort of felt as if she was intruding but decided to brush it off, instead listening to Carlos speak. "Yeah, and we completely blew it, guys."

"Okay!" Jay exclaimed as the atmosphere had gotten quite tense. "Okay. So what are we gonna do?"

"We are not doing anything." She walked down the steps. "This is between Uma and me. And she's a punk. And guess what: now I have to go get him."

"Woah, woah, woah," Carlos stepped forth. "You're still going to have to go through Harry Hook and his wharf rats."

"Yeah, you're gonna need us," Jay agreed.

"Uma said to come alone."

"Mal, come on," Evie pleaded.

Y/n and Carlos sighed simultaneously, making eye contact as they did so.

"She did say to come alone," Y/n spoke, doing so for the first time while being up in the lair. She looked at Mal with a small encouraging smile. "You've got this."

Jay nodded. "We'll be here when you get back."

Mal turned, walking away silently.

The rest looked at each other, collectively sighing again. This could either go very right or very, very wrong. They hoped it wouldn't be the latter.

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