★彡02|44 - "Thank you!"彡★

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Evie stopped halfway to their destination and pulled Y/n into a hug. "You can't keep scaring us like that!"

Y/n pat the other girl's back. "Evie, I'm alright..." She absentmindedly scratched the bandage around her neck a little. She'd almost forgotten about it but as she was drying up and the material was still wet, she felt it against her skin clear as day.

Evie straightened up. "Right, if you say so." She let a smile slip. "But I swear, you're worse than Mal sometimes."

The girls shared a laugh. The crowd around them was in constant movement, swaying to the beat of the music that had engulfed the place. Y/n felt a little dizzy from it all.

Evie fell serious again. "But let's go now, can't keep the previous king and queen waiting!"

And so the blue-haired girl led her friend to the crowd to where Belle and Adam stood. Not too far from them were Ben and Mal who also neared when Y/n appeared.

"Y/n," Adam started, placing a fatherly hand on Y/n's shoulder. It felt strange but it wasn't bad.

"Yes?" the girl asked carefully. Taking everything into consideration, it wasn't likely that the following would be reprimanding but she was still a bit weary.

"Thank you for saving my son's life," Adam finished.

Y/n could only smile, her tensed shoulders falling. "It was no problem at all... I—" she stopped. Could she tell of her powers now? Despite her approval-giving thoughts, she made sure to choose the right words for her answer. "I had a hunch."

Belle and Adam shared a smile before speaking again. It was Ben's mum, this time. "You'll make a great queen one day."

Y/n froze. That was the very thing she had started to doubt. After making so many mistakes and reckless decisions, she'd started doubting if she was even fit for a princess, let alone a queen. Thus, after hearing those words, she teared up a little. "Thank you, Your—" She froze again. Were retired royalty to be called by their titles?

"Just Belle and Adam—"

"Or Beast," the former king of Auradon piped in, earning him a glare from his wife.

"—are fine, dear."

"Right," Y/n nodded. "Thank you, then. Belle and Beast."

The older couple shared a smile again before their stage was stolen by the younger one, Mal coming to hug Y/n this time. It was then when the girl realised that Evie had disappeared from behind her, going to dance with Doug.

"Thank you!" the purple-haired girl exclaimed.

"You did most of the work," Y/n brushed it off. I mean — it hadn't been her who turned into a dragon, right?

"No, really," Ben cut in with a genuine smile. "If there's ever anything we can do for you — or the North — let us know, okay?"

Y/n smiled. "I will."

Mal beamed. "Let's go dance now!"

"Oh, no, you guys can but I—"

"Come on, Carlos is waiting for you!"

Y/n's cheeks heated up but when she looked to where Mal was pointing, the boy was indeed there. He'd somewhat followed her through the crowd but stayed away still, giving her privacy.

And now, seeing that she was done talking with important people, he neared again. "Shall we?"

Y/n broke into a smile, warm fuzziness burying the coldness of her body. "We shall, Carlos."

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