23: Jet's and Jokes

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A/N: so uh real quick, I posted it on my message board for those following me but I'll say it here too.
We've reached over a thousand views on this story. My first story to pass more than 10 views and it's, by a large margin.

thank you. truly.

also my dumbass realized I basically retconned Sarah disliking and distrusting Scarlett on accident with their agreement so yeah. oops.

If you told me a week ago that I'd wake up today, and would he hopping onto a private plane to fly to Hawaii. I'd call you a lunatic. Yet here I am, with bonus super hero's that are hot as shit. Sarah giggles at my face and helps pick up my drooping jaw. "Come on hun, we don't wanna delay this!" She says reaching over to the car door opening it.

We hop out of the Mercedes' and grab our luggage from the trunk. The driver nodding at Janice and quickly heading back to whence he came. I glance back over at the jet, still a bit delirious about the fact I'm going to be fucking riding inside of it. Janice chuckling seeing my reaction, "first time?" She asks and I nod. "generally I'd be on a plane with screaming kids. this is something else entirely." I reply, getting Mary to chuckle too.

"Trust me, this is leagues better than screaming kids. You can actually put your feet up!" Mary jokes heading to the stairs of the jet, climbing them with her luggage. We follow her doing the same, me noticing every detail of the jet. White, sleek, insanely expensive. Has a sticker at the top of the wing. My mom would lose her shit if she saw this.

Oh right, my mom. Hope she's doing okay on vacation with dad, I'm sure she's having fun though. I won't bother myself with that though, I'm here to experience the life of the .1% and see some boobs! Well, hopefully. And respectfully, of course. I'm a woman's rights activist!

I'm totally not the same guy who said he'd titty fuck Sarah while at graduation. Mhm. Not me! i mean, that wish might come true after all. dawg. Horny bat. Cmon. Entering the jet my eyes widen even more, recliner seats, a carpet that could probably rival a beds softness, flatscreen 32" tv's, tables with expensive liquors standing on them with their cost probably more expensive than my parents house tenfold.

I'm so far out of my league here it's not even funny. Like I would've lived 5 lifetimes saving up before I saw even a dime of this. Guess that's what it means to be a top superhero holy hell. And our city isn't even that popular with hero's. I think some of the really big ones could take out Scarlett and Janice with a breath.

That's.. kinda worrying thinking about it. Sure there's the tv show called 'The boys' that basically take an evil approach to our hero's. So they wouldn't pull a Homelander and wipe entire cities off the map over a tantrum, right?

Yeah, we're not The Boys luckily. I glance over at Mary sitting down in one of the recliners. Okay. We might be in The boys thinking about it with that one.. Enough pop culture references for now, Sarah is dragging me to a dual recliner seat. Didn't even know those existed. guess my arm will be numb this flight for being her arm rest. Worth it though.

Janice helps the flight staff load our stuff to the back of the plane, with the rest of us sitting down preparing for the flight. Sarah hogging my right arm, Mary across from me a few feet and an empty seat on her left for Janice to take. So not only do I have this one cuddling me, I've got viewers as well.


"So, (Y/N). You and Sarah huh?" Mary asks me snagging my attention to her and I nod. She chuckles, "This'll be nice for you two then!" Sarah pops her head up at that comment. "bet ya jelly ain't you Mary moo?" She teases causing Mary to huff. "Am not!" She scowls turning away dramatically. We hear another chuckle and see Janice join us.

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