37: Settling in

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A/N: Sorry about lack of updates recently,  I was burnt out on good chapter ideas.
But I've started cooking again so don't worry.

  It's about the next day now, and this is still not fun to go through. Sleeping sucked because I was being suffocated between Star and Scar all night. They originally tried to Rock Paper Scissors for it, but then realized a sandwich would be better. So being squished and then having a collar push into my neck equals no sleep. kill me yeah?

This morning it seems Scarlett has been switched out for Janice, and it's been immensely better. Both Star and her respect my boundaries for the most part, so it's a bit confusing. Is this just Scarlett leading the charge on what to do with me, and they're reluctant.

or are they trying to win me over?

I've also heard a few screams occasionally throughout the morning, which has been a bit worrying. But every time I try to investigate or question it, Star shuts it down and swaps topics. I have a feeling about who's behind the door, and somehow my situation is suddenly better. But the question still stands, what did Angela do to deserve this? That poor girl.

Currently I'm on the couch watching more tv, Star cooking again and Janice a seat apart from me. I can tell she's heavily debating on whether to get closer to me or not, it's a little bit cute I will admit. But y'know having a collar and being in captivity is a constant reminder for me. Thinking about it, isn't this the best time to basically do my original plan with Angela?

No Scarlett around and it's these two, the ones who swore my life above all. Now I've never manipulated someone before, but it's like tricking an absolute idiot who believes in you right? Holy hell that's messed up to think about now, yikes man. I'm kinda obligated though, considering I have a Fucking dog collar on me.

Figure I'll give it a shot, first I'll be warm and then cold. I look over at Janice, her twiddling her thumbs staring into the distance. "Yknow, I'm shocked you're not hogging me. Scarlett has basically already done that yesterday and last night." I say causing her to break focus and look over at me concerned. I hear Star pause in the kitchen as well.

She clears her throat, "Well.. I'm sure this is very uncomfortable for you already. So I don't wanna push it further." Janice says shyly and looking away from me. I sigh deeply, putting my thumb and index on the bridge of my nose. If I'm gonna do this, gotta do it right. Here we go. "Well, considering how I basically left you guys for dead on that island. It's a bit of payback eh?" I joke lightly.

Star walks over and gently places a hand on my shoulder. "You've, also had a rough week. All these things happening would be scary to anyone, especially for your case. I'm sorry things have gone this way (Y/N)." She says softly. I wasn't expecting that, considering her original statement yesterday being so cold.

I slightly zone out for a moment, shocked at her statement. "Well, I appreciate that. Just hoping that someday I can see the sun again." I joke again having her slightly chuckle. "You will soon, trust me." Star says walking back into the kitchen. Janice glances at me coyly then nods, leaning into the couch normally now.

I internally sigh and also relax more on the couch watching the tv for a while. It's funny for her to say "Trust me" when she slapped a collar on me and injected my only chance of escaping to unconscious and is presumably being tortured. But at the same time, I'm being led more to the conclusion that it's all cause of Scarlett. These two are just a bit of pushovers, which if I utilize well I'm a free man again.

I glance over at Janice, she's starting to zone out a bit. Well, here goes nothing. I slyly slide over inching closer to her, still unaware of my intentions. When I'm about a foot away I push myself against her placing my head against her shoulder, shocking her. She blushes heavily and starts darting her eyes everywhere panicked. Finally she looks down at me and softly smiles to herself, leaning her own head against mine.

Star announces the meal completion and walks over to us, seeing my forwardness with Janice something twitches in her eye but leaves quickly. I saw that. I'm noting that down for future use, If I can't get them to side with me after a while then my last chance is that I can get them to tear each other apart. Just like Mary.

Shit I really am the cause of this chaos aren't I?

I smile at Star however and gesture for her to sit down next to us, having her face flush a little bit she complies. Today she's made some simple pancakes, normally you'd eat them at a table but whoever built this place forgot that addition like an idiot. She places the pancakes on her side and hands us a few paper plates from the bottom, I don't even get regular plates.

I sit up having Janice frown slightly but she does the same. I'm not gonna describe eating Fucking pancakes. We finish eating and Star stands up to throw them away for us and we thank her, Janice sneakily wraps her arm around me and pulls me close again while she lays down sideways on the couch with me as the little spoon.

While this had happened already to me last night, it wasn't as gentle to this time. She's so damn soft too, which is ironic cause she's supposed to be the most buff out of the three. Star cleans up in the kitchen while Janice softly brushes her fingers through my hair with an occasional scratch. I'm unsure how to feel about this. If I'm not careful I might fall into their trap.

     Crescent POV:

I hang up the phone and sigh deeply, Mary's parents back home are pissed and very traumatized. To hear about their little girl 'sacrificing' herself and their other girl to go missing must be absolute hell for them. I couldn't tell them the truth too, otherwise it would risk a war we cannot afford to have currently. We decided to have the funeral in her hometown, so that'll hopefully give Jay the time he needs to find those two.

I stand up and walk over to my door, it's been a minute since I've done casual work so hopefully it can be a break from this drama. Walking outside the sun beats on my head, annoying me. Of course the hottest day of the summer happens right after I wash the dye out of my hair. My now dark blue hair cooking my scalp, sighing I trudge on.

Currently I'm talking to investors who didn't get pummeled to death by Scarlett about the new guild building process. I don't know what magic she pulled, but insurance has heavily covered us considering we save the city so many damn times a week. On my way over to the meeting spot I notice a red and black streak across the sky for a moment until it approaches me.

I narrow my eyes slightly, guess it's her turn to be out. I relax my eyes and calmly watch Scarlett descend and land in front of me. "Hey moony, good to see your hair is back! Missed those colors." She says enthusiastically. Internally I roll my eyes, but outside I smile. "Thanks! Sucks to have it happen right before the hottest day of the summer though, it's killing me!" I groan and she giggles at that.

"That's gotta suck, luckily my hair can absorb the heat. Anyways I'm guessing we gotta suck up to those investors to get our new building huh?" She jokes starting to walk with me. First of all, fuck you and your hair. Second of all, we wouldn't need to 'suck up' if you weren't a psychopathic maniacal killer. Third of all, I'm gonna put you into the dirt soon.

I nod and chuckle at her response, "Yeah seems like it, hopefully this time there's better elevators and wifi. The amount of times I needed to re-send an email could probably get me enough time to fix the damn router." She giggles again at my statement. We walk talking about random topics until we reach the meeting spot and sigh heading inside.

A/N: Also happy mental health awareness month, ironic for a yandere author to say that but I hope you guys are doing okay.

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