48: Get in loser we're going shopping 💅

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???? POV:

  "you're certain it's him?" I ask the brunette woman tied to the chair. "Use your fucking eyes. he's got all those hero girls surrounding him." She answers sarcastically rolling her eyes at me. I chuckle, "Of course, can't hurt to double check though considering your... relationship with him." Her eyes narrow into a glare over at me. "Says you. Had I known about your status prior we would've left long ago." She hisses causing another chuckle from me.

"I played it well, and besides you wouldn't have gotten these results. Especially from her you psycho. I must say, this kind of reaction is impressive. How quickly it spreads, you cooked something really crazy up for this one. Especially with the circumstances at hand..." I laugh cockily as she grits her teeth in anger at me.

"but to sacrifice your own... hoo, brutal."

(Y/N) POV:

  Opening my eyes I sigh deeply as the sun slams it's death ray onto my sockets. The blinds doing fuckall to protect my precious slumber. Throwing the covers off of me I roll out of bed, wearing the same clothes as yesterday. I really do need more options, maybe I can convince whoever's on guard duty to let me out.

Opening the door I see a brown and white head standing guard, her purple eyes turning to me shining brightly. "Good morning! You sleep well?" Angela greets me happily and I nod sluggishly in reply, a bit loud all things considered. How did I fuck this chick again? Oh right.

Enough with those kinda thoughts though, let's see if Crescent keeps her track record of stealing the last breakfast item before others wake up. Heading down the hall, I notice how empty it is in here. Angela's footsteps following me closely, very closely in fact. Her breath hits the back of my neck, "The others left early for their duties, except for Sarah. So no need for holding back as much." She huskily says before planting a kiss.

I freeze up slightly having her step back shyly. Despite the knowledge about the virus spreading around, she doesn't seem to care. Might be because she's still in the honeymoon phase. Few more days and she'll probably dislike me as well. She peers into my view slowly, a look of worry present on her face. "Are you alright?" Her voice warily asks, but I shrug gently.

"Could be better." I answer before looking at the cupboards opening them searching for something edible. She remains quiet watching me, occasionally glancing around at the windows. Finding a simple box of Cheerios I check the fridge for milk, and it actually has some inside.

guess you can say that makes me cheery o?

Bad pun aside, I finish my breakfast in silence.
A door opens in the hallway and a sleepy blonde woman enters the living room, noticing the two of us. She notices the box of cheerios and yawns a "morning" before finding a bowl for herself. She sits down across from me eating calmly, Angela glances at me and smirks slightly.

"So uh, I was thinking about maybe getting new clothes? These kinda stink." I joke breaking the ice, having the two look me over. They nod to themselves, "yeah we can do that. Getting you out of the house is good after all." Star says with a smile from Angela. "Oh I can't wait to stick you into my favorite outfits!" She says grinning widely, Star rolls her eyes at her antics but smiles slightly.

We decide on walking to the mall so they can be incognito. Being seen with two hero's at my side wouldn't exactly be a good thing for me, especially after having my face plastered on the news calling me a terrorist. Thanks again for that Scarlett ya bitch. Angela has been more clingy, much to the annoyance of Star.

Of all the girls who have recently been backing off due to the realization of the virus, Angie is the one who doesn't seem to give a single shit about it. But then again I did technically plow her brains out and my mom did say women form bonds off of that so, yeah. We reach the mall with Angie close in one arm with Star a tiny bit in the back.

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