Who is this man???

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Atsushi Nakajima was a boy who was helped by a man named Dazai Osamu. Atsushi's memories aren't the best but he always had the same dream since he was rescued. It was of a boy much like how Atsushi remembers this boy that who was protected for a while before he disappeared from his life without a trace, it was funny to Atsushi he could remember the people who abused him their faces and their actions but not the boy who helped him? No, it was hard to all he could remember was the warmth and figure of the boy who helped him Atsushi thought to himself a lot about the boy who would give him his share of food or help him after one of his beatings even going so far to take on of his beatings from the headmaster of the orphanage. Atsushi misses this mysterious boy who helped him he always dreams of the boy but it was always a shadowy figure in his dreams when he needed comfort much like today as here Atsushi is now working on documents zoning in on his work and tuning out all the noise around him trying to picture the boy that is a shadow into someone at least something all he remembers is the boys eyes that were much like his but that can't be right..right? Atsushi was having a tough time understanding his feelings and this boy he remembers after all there were no good mornings or goodnights not even a goodbye when the boy left he was simply just there taking care of young Atsushi when he needed help the most. Atsushi questions what happened to the boy was it some random boy? Did he manage to get adopted? Was the boy even real? Did Atsushi imagine this boy and his warmth and love in his head? was this just a fragment of his imagination to escape the realities of the orphanage that tried to kill him multiple times? Atsushi still has no idea until today.

**The place they are at right now is the Armed Detective Agency**

Atsushi was in his chair, typing away at his last report before moving on to documents. Dazai was in the chair next to him slacking off and listing to some random ass songs. Everyone else was just doing their thing till the Port Mafia came to work with them as they were on their truce at the time and agreed to work together on problems they had. Atsushi was not looking forward to it as he was stressed out of his work already and now he has to deal with his rival Akutagawa. Atsushi Knows for a fact that Dazai would make him work with Akutagawa since they "worked well" together even though it is far from the truth they hate each other's guts and Atsushi would rather think about the shadow in his brain to figure out who he is and how he can find him since it is not like he can just go up to the police and say 'Hey can you help me find this boy I know but don't at the same time he is like a shadow in my dream?' That was something Atsushi didn't want to do as it would make him look crazy in front of the police who already thought he was strange when he had to deliver documents to them as last time he hit his face on the glass doors they had it was a very bearing situation for Atsushi and he will never live it down thanks to Dazai bringing it up every time they went. After all, that documenting the time came and the selective few came which were Nakahara Chuuya, Akutagawa Ryunosuke, Gin Akutagawa, and Tanchihara Michzo these were the people who came to discuss their plans for the mission they needed some of the Agency members and of course, Dazai had to handle this one as he was a past Mafia member and was persistent on having Atushsi and Akutagawa handle the mission for checking up on Port Maifa gun storage unit and disposing of people who were trying to infiltrate it and sadly Atsushi was made to go with Akutgawa by himself it was supposed to be a bonding mission to also help the relationship with the two but Atsushi was dead set on not being near Akutagawa and Akutagawa was doing the same by keeping the conversation very minimal and one-word replies which pissed off Atsushi a lot when he needed more or tried to keep things "normal" as it gets in the Armed Detective Agency.

In Atsushi's mind, he was very frustrated by the constant reminder of the fact he had to go with Akutagawa and he couldn't focus on the shadow he wanted to think of and remember he wants to remember the warmth and the fuzzy he felt when he thought of about the shadow that protected him half the time in the orphanage with no need of trying to prove himself or needing to trade off anything the shadow simply helped him with no asking of anything in return the only kindness was shown by the shadow boy in his time at the orphanage

**In the train Akutagawa and Atsushi are sitting to get to their destination**

Atsushi was sitting with Akutagawa there were their bags separating them Atsushi hated Dazai set him up with Akutagawa but he was glad Dazai was coming in a few days to check up on them for the mission so as Atsushi sat he started to drift into his thoughts till he heard someone speak he ignored the talking as he assumed it was someone on the train till he got punched on the shoulder. Atsushi looked to his side to see Akutagawa and spoke up, "Hey what the hell was that for!?" Akutagawa just blankly stared at him as he coughed slightly into his hand "Weretiger I have been trying to get your attention for 5 minutes stop daydreaming and listen" Akutagawa muttered annoyed but Atsushi for simply existing. Atsushi was about to say something stupid but stopped himself from doing so and calmed himself down and spoke with annoyance back at Akutagawa  "Fine what do you want Anyway we don't need to talk on the train" Atsushi huffed, Akutagawa just glared at him before speaking, "I was trying to say that a man is staring at you do you know him? Or is someone else trying to kill you" Atsushi's eyes wide then looked around seeing no one, in particular, staring at him "Who the hell are you talking about Akutagawa" Atsushi muttered trying not to show his panic but Akutagawa noticed it already and Akutagawa didn't care particularly and spoke in his usual dry voice "That man-" Akutagawa was about to point to the man but he too couldn't see where the man he pointed out went "Where did he go?" Akutagawa muttered to himself looking around the train to see the man, Akutagawa knows himself well enough to know he doesn't randomly see shit and just brush it off when something disappears someone is stalking them but Atsushi, on the other hand, was a bit tenser and spoke to Akutagawa as he also scanned the train seeing if there was anyone looking at them it might be a little paranoia but Atsushi knows better then to not trust his gut "Akutagawa you better not be shitting me right now where is the guy?", Akutagawa scoffs "There is no way I would say something like that and not have seen it I know a man was staring at us and he did not look 'friendly'". The two got up from their spots on the train Akutagawa and him both walked around the train slightly there was a stalker and both of them didn't know who the hell it could be so this mission might go into the pits who was stalking them? who is watching them? could it be Atsushi's shadow? Or someone else entirely?

1341 words and I am backkkkk yea I know it has been a while and I haven't been writing much I think it might be because I have no motivation or something but I had some inspiration for drawing but that didn't end up so well so I wrote it out! yayayyyayay now you all can suffer while I mange to write part two of this shit put your guesses for who the 'stalker' might bee could it be the shadow or someone else? Also make sure to give me suggestions because this magical thing called motivation dies out fast so give me suggestions while the motivations is still fresh and hot!

P.s send help I don't even know where this story is taking me

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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