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It was 7:30 right on the dot when the three of us arrived.

"Hey guys glad you all could make it!" I said as I walked to the group of football players. They all gave ms a side hug.

"Linsey and Daniel meet Salah, Darwin, Virgil, Dominik, Harvey, Andrew, and Trent, guys meet Linsey and Daniel." I introduced everyone as I went down the line of football players. They all either said hello or waved.

"So is this all of us besides Trent's friends that are coming later and Naomi and her boyfriend that are also coming later?" I asked.

"Yeah this should be everyone," Virgil said counting heads.

"Okay guys follow me!" I said exited as we walked past the line of people waiting to enter the club.

"Everyone get your ids out," I said as I walked up to Alejandro who was the bouncer. Me and Alejandro have known each other for a long time now because we went to school together and I've been going to this club for 3 years now so he lets me bring some friends for free.

"Hey Alejandro how've you been?" I said giving him a hug.

"I've been great! And you?" He replied.

"Well right now I'm about to have some fun but yeah I've also been doing good,"

"Well that's good, it was nice to see you." He said as he pretended to check my id with his flashlight.

"You too hope you don't mind me bringing a whole village." I joked.

"It's fine just have fun." He said used to me bringing people he's never seen.

"Oh and a few other people are coming,"

"Okay sounds good."

"Thanks Alejandroo!" I said walking in patting his shoulder as he also pretended to check everyone else's ids just so that he wouldn't get into any trouble.

"How do you know the bouncer?" Dominik asked once everyone was inside the club.

"I introduced him to his wife in high school so now he lets me in for free," I said.

When the hot air of the room and the smell of alcohol and weed mixed together hit me all the memories or my clubbing days came back to me. Now everyone has boyfriends or husbands and kids and I'm still the single friend. Smh.

Anyways. "Let's go to the bar, I'm also friends with the bartender," I said as we all walked through the crowds of people who were already drunk and sweating.

"So you just know everyone?" Dominik said jokingly.

We all sat on a stool at the bar. "I'd like an iced coffee please," I told the bartender as his back was faced toward me.

The bartender quickly turned around with a surprised look.

"I thought I seen a familiar face coming in, haven't seen you in a fat minute." He said as he cleaned some glasses with a rag.

"I know I haven't been clubbing as much anymore." I said honestly.

"Is that because of work or because you've finally met someone?" Sebastian said already knowing the answer.

"Anyways how is your wife and kids?" I said dogging the question.

"They're doing amazing. So what can I get you guys?" He said laughing.

Everyone ordered drinks as I looked towards the entrance and seen Naomi walking in with a guy who I assume is her boyfriend.

I waved them over once I made eye contact with Nii.

My Pookiebear Trentski🫶🏻Where stories live. Discover now