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I was sat at the bar and that's when Trent sat at the stool next to me, and when I looked at him he had a smile.

"Why are you so happy all of a sudden, talk to a nice girl?" I said wiggle my brows.

"Yeah I am," he cheesed.

"Oh how nice of you Trent," I said seeing how serious he was.

"Can I ask why you were a little down earlier?" I asked still curious.

"I was just worn out from practice," he laughed rubbing his neck.

"Well I'm glad your feeling better,"

"Hey I'm really craving a smoothie right now would you like to come with me to the smoothie and yogurt shop that's just two shops away?" I whispered as the music started playing louder.

"Yeah I'll come," Trent said standing from his stool.

We looked for anyone so that we could at least let one of them know that we were going to get some air, and the first person we found was Dominik.

"We're going to a shop near by so if anyone asks let them know we're not dead," Trent shouted to Dominik.

"Okay I will, enjoy yourselves!" He said before winking.

Anyways when the two of us stepped out of the club the cold air hit us hard, I shivered.

"Here's let me give you my sweater," Trent stopped to take his hoodie off.

I would have refused to take his hoodie but from how cold it was there was no way I was going to complain. Trent handed his hoodie to me and then took my purse so that I could put it on.

I was about to reach for my purse after putting the his hoodie on but before I could Trent had it on his shoulder and wrapped his arm around me trying to keep warm.

"Is this okay?" Trent asked looking down at me as we walked.

"You're fine."

Stepping foot in the smoothie and yogurt shop I noticed Trent had switched my purse onto his left shoulder but I didn't think to mush about it. I already knew what I wanted before we even walked foot inside so I waited for him to take a look at the menu.

"Do you know what you want?" Trent asked walking up to the counter.


"Okay, I'll have the strawberry mochi frozen yogurt and a....?" Trent looked at me to order.

"I'll have a strawberry smoothie, medium please,"

"That'll be all," Trent said as I again went to reach for my purse but Trent had already tapped his card on the machine.

"Thank you for paying," we sat at a booth facing each other.

"You're welcome, but I will not be accepting any sort of payment in return," Trent said as he waited for our order.

"Well if you insist," I said the both of us knowing I wasn't going to anyways.

It wasn't a long wait before our orders came. It was silent as we enjoyed our small treat.

"I think I might be done for tonight, I really don't want to spend my day off hung over all day tomorrow." I said knowing I'll be waking up with a huge headache.

"If you're feeling better tomorrow would you want to get lunch with me, just the two of us?" Trent laughed.

"Yeah that sounds nice,"

"We should get going before they think we got mugged." I said knowing if Linsey was looking for me we would freak not being able to find me.

When we walked back we found everyone outside.

"There they are! I told you guys they are fine," Dominik was the first one to see us.

"I was about to call you," Linsey put her phone away.

"Did something happen?" I asked to why everyone was outside and why a munch of people were leaving the bar.

"There was a fight so now they're kicking everyone out," Naomi said.

"How was the date?" Dominik asked as everyone laughed.

"Would you like to have your hoodie back?" I turned to Trent ignoring everyone.

"No you can keep it, and here." Trent said taking off and handing me my purse.

We all headed to our cars or Ubers after hugging and saying our goodbyes.

"See you tomorrow Abigail," Trent waved getting in a Uber. I waved back with a smile.

"Oh so dose someone have a date tomorrow too?" Linsey asked sarcastically.

"We're just getting lunch," I replied getting in the back of Daniel's car. "Did you guys have fun?" I asked changing the subject.

"Yeah, I actually did." Daniel said.

"Omg yessss!" Was what Linsey said before she turned to Daniel as he was being honest. Daniel wasn't the type to go out and drink he preferred to drink at home so when he would go out with us he would just say it was alright.

"Really?" Linsey asked.

"Yeah it was nice meeting and talking to those guys even though they were wasted it was kind of funny. I really liked talking to that guy Dominik, Darwin, and Trent" He said genuinely.

"Then we all should hangout next week but instead go out to eat or we could have a little party at our place." Linsey suggested.

"We should definitely plan something," I said making sure to keep that idea in mind.

When we got to our apartment I literally wobbled to my room and sat at the foot of my bed contemplating on whether I should take a shower or just lay back and drift off into slumber, but I knew if I did shower tonight I would regret it tomorrow and I already was mentally preparing myself for the headache that would arrive tomorrow morning so if I didn't shower it would just be more bull I would have to deal with tomorrow. So I stood up and slowly walked to my bathroom groaning as I turned the shower on and pulled my clothes off. Future me will thank me, I thought to myself as I stepped foot into the poring water and let it hit my face. I washed my whole body, face, and hair then turned off the water finishing my shower. I stood in front of my mirror wrapped in a towel staring at myself as I knew I had to dry my hair before I went to sleep. I just really wanted to go to bed already. I looked at my bed before I turned my hair blow dryer on. I defused my hair after adding products randomly as my head was fogging from how exhausted I was, when my hair was about 70% dry I but my pink bonnet on and walked out my bathroom.

"I should probably get a haircut soon." I said throwing myself onto my bed and wrapping my heavy blanket around my whole body before I knocked out not even 5 minutes after.

Abigail is so real🫰🏻
Two chapters in one day?
I'm proud of myself👏🏻🥳🙂‍↕️
It's 12🧟‍♀️😴

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