
15 1 0

I stared at my ceiling wrapped in my white blankets.

'Do I really like Trent?'

'Do I want to be in a relationship right now?'

"I mean I do like having him around."

"But I don't know."

Abigail had been in plenty of relationships in her high school years but whenever she was in a relationship she never took them seriously. She never took them seriously because she knew in the back of her head those relationships were never going to last forever, she also did it to keep herself from getting hurt, and she never did. But this was different she didn't know why but this was different, this feeling was different, Trent was different. She didn't know why but he just was.

'Don't get me wrong Trent is really attractive, he's literally so handsome, but that wasn't what was drawing me to him. Just being in his presence felt nice and he was really funny, I liked his laugh. Okay maybe I do like him, but I don't even know if he likes me back.' Abii thought to herself.

"Uhh is this what having a 'crush' feels like?" I said to myself, whispering profanity to herself in her native tongue.

Abigail didn't like the word 'crush'.

I was interrupted from my thoughts as I heard the front door open.

"Yesss!" I jumped up from my bed and ran to the door before Linsey had a chance to close it.

"Gosh you scared me!" She said taking a deep breath.

"Sorry but I've been waiting all day, can I see the ultrasound pictures?!"

"Yeah I missed you too," Linsey jokingly rolled her eyes.

"You know I missed you!" I said as she rummaged through her purse. "Oh hey there Daniel" I said seeing him sitting on the couch.

They laughed.

"Close your eyes." Linsey stoped her hand from coming out her purse.

"Uhh okay," I groaned covering my eyes.

"Okay open them!"

I open my eyes and she's in front of me with her ultrasound pictures.

"Oh my goodness," I said as she handed me the picture. "There really is a baby inside there," I said as I touched Linsey's stomach.

"I know I also can't believe it," she said, tearing up.

"eeeeee" I squealed excitedly

"You're getting so old," I fake cried.

"Oh shut up!" She laughed, slapping my arm.

"You guys want to watch something on Hulu?" Daniel said as he tapped through Hulu.

The two of us ran to the couch as Daniel laughed. I wanted to watch modern family but on the other hand Linsey wanted to watch criminal minds. We fought for the control until Daniel had gotten tired of it and ended up putting on what he wanted to watch which was Napoleon Dynamite. We side eyed each other. Don't get me wrong it was a funny movie but after watching it for the hundredth time now we were not in the mood to watch it again.

"Actually Daniel we'll be fine watching Grays Anatomy right Abii?" Linsey said taking the control from Daniel.

"That's fine with me."

It was Daniel's plan to have us agree on what to watch the whole time.

The rest of the night we watched Grays Anatomy with some pauses in between to cook and grab snacks.

"So with you being 3 months pregnant can you tell what the gender is yet?" I asked Linsey as we ate watermelon sour patch together.

"Yeah but I'm scared to find out, it's so exciting to find out it scares me," she said after shoving half the bag of sour patch into her mouth. Her pregnancy cravings were hitting.

"That reminds me, Abigail, will you do our gender reveal surprise for us?" Danial asked as Chechen on the small pizza that was in the oven.

"Yessss I would love too! Thank you guys for making me the gender keeper! Trust me you guys won't regret it!" I said jumping up.

They laughed.

"Is it almost done?" Linsey started to get impatient waiting for the pizza to cook.

"Can you not wait?" I joked.

"Actually the baby that is inside of me cannot wait," she lied, blaming her inpatient-ness on the baby.

The little timer on the stove dinged and Linsey jumped up with excitement. She was close to even taking it out the pizza right out the oven with her bear hands, but Daniel stopped her.

"We have to wait another 15 minutes for it to cool down." Daniel said as he set a timer.

"Can't we just put it in the freezer so that it cools down faster?"

"We could but-"

"Okay let's do that then!" Linsey put on her oven mittens and quickly put the pizza in the freezer.

Me and Daniel stared at her.

"Did you really want to wait longer than we could be?" Linsey stared back at us.

No longer than 5 minutes later Linsey took the pizza out and sliced it. She grabbed the biggest there was and took her orange juice to sit back on the couch.

I grabbed myself a slice on a plate and took my water to the couch not wanting to miss anything.

Daniel followed with two plates as Linsey didn't think to get herself one.

The rest of the night we laughed and cried together, and when I say together I mean and Linsey. Daniel just laughed at us.

We even pulled out the couch extender as we were getting too comfortable and didn't want to go to bed just yet.

The three of us stayed awake until 11:30 not realizing how late it had gotten, I mean we couldn't just pause Grays anatomy in the middle of an episode. Linsey and Daniel fell asleep after the episode was done so I shut off the tv and headed to my room.

I was in my bed again but this time I was thinking about all the things I could do for Linsey's and Daniel's gender reveal. I thought about all the people we were going to invite and the games we could play. I turned my iPad on and scrolled through gender reveal TikTok's to give me ideas. I liked and favorited video for about an hour getting carried away. I quickly shut off my iPad and closed my eyes forcing myself to go to sleep knowing if I stayed awake any longer I was not going to have a good day at work tomorrow.

This is a little filler chapter as I figure out what to write next💋🫰🏻
I'm trying to stay consistent🙆🏻‍♀️💪🏻
I want to start another book but idk who to write it about!!!😩
I was thinking maybe Jude, Jobe, or even Blade but I'm not sure🤔🥲
I rediscovered the song Mi Nina Treviesa by Luis Coronel after a year and a half and now I can't stop listening to it on repeat 24/7 🧏🏻‍♀️🎧🎶

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