Chapter 21

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A/N: Wow mystery's are hard to write. I was Having writers block for most of the chap so sorry if it's not that good.

 I was Having writers block for most of the chap so sorry if it's not that good

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Two hours later Bernie came home. Friday was asleep sprawled on top of Ian when Bernie woke her.
"Friday" he said shaking her shoulder.
"Mmmm" she said still half asleep.
"Can I talk to you for a second."
"Sure" she said untangling herself from Ian's arms.
Bernie sat down in an arm chair and pulled out her laptop "Interpol has tried finding those paintings you hid but there no where to be seen, which."
"Oh" Friday said her head buzzing.
"Not only that we still haven't found the Benatti's, I was wondering if you had any idea on where they were."
Friday rubbed her eyes "I don't but I'd be happy try figure it out, I need a good mystery."
Bernie looked upset "Thanks, I really thought we would have caught them by now."
"I'm sure you will they can't hide forever" Friday said, "Now if I'm going to have any chance of solving this case I'm going to need lollipops, lots of them."

Soon Friday was sitting cross-legged on the floor leaning over Bernie's laptop and sucking on chupachup. When suddenly it clicked.
"Bernie" she yelled, climbing over the couch, stepping on Ian, and falling of it.
"Oww, I just had a head injury" Ian cried sitting up.
"Bernie come quick I think I've got an idea."

"Yeah" Bernie called from his office. Friday ran down the hallway and slid across the floor, shortly followed by Ian who was jumping on the walls like spider man and Melanie who sprinted out of her bed and commando rolled to the doorway of Bernie's office.
"Wow, dramatic much" Bernie said lifting Bella of his lap.
"sorry we haven't had that much action" Melanie said lying on her back her legs propped up on the door frame "and whenever Friday has an idea it's bound to be interesting."
"Or at least funny because it's utterly stupid" Ian added, before Friday elbowed him in the ribs "oww" he laughed.
"I'll have you know many of my ideas have saved your life, your scholarship, your pride, your dignity, YOUR LIFE" Friday said.

"You said life twice" Ian interrupted.
"It felt necessary to mention it twice" Friday retorted.
"Anyway" Melanie cut in "we need to find Mrs Benatti, so it would be great Friday if you could share your idea with the rest of the class."
"We need to go to the Norway Wild Life Park otherwise known as N.W.L.P" Friday said knowing that she was going to make this a lot longer than it had to be.
"Ok...Uh why" Bernie asked.
"Here we go" Ian muttered.
"Let's look at the facts, we know that the Benatti's have been smuggling items from somewhere in Norway to the Rugen cliffs in Germany" Friday opened up Bernie's computer. "I realised that when me and Ian where kidnapped at the gas station we would have been taken to where the boat was. So, I took Ian's phone tracker and searched up how long, far, and what direction we were traveling for a the time we were taken, which lead me too Norway Wild Life Park. This lead me to my two suspects Chief Crouwler and Nigel"

"Chief Crouwler" Bernie sounded shocked.

"Nigel, but he couldn't of" said Melanie in denial. He reminded her of her four older brothers, so gullible.

"He could... because he did. The first thing that made me suspicious was all of the N.W.L.P merch he had when we first met him he was literally wearing Norway wildlife park t-shirt. It could just be that he went there a lot and really likes birds, but when Bella went missing ..."

"Bella went missing" Bernie yelled. Bella toddled in from the doorway thinking Bernie had called her.

"Yas!" she said smiling, when she saw Friday she smiled and ran over to her hopping on her lap and taking of her hat.

"She did but..." Friday stopped because Bella started tugging on her hair "she was perfectly safe. Anyway I noticed Nigel was doodling something, which turned out to be the exact note we found in the hotel. But the thing that assured me he was involved was Chief Crouwler started mocking Ian in German, she must have been talking to someone and she had know idea that we could speak German. The only other person there was Nigel. My theory was proved when he said "I love a good gegrillter Käse" that means grilled cheese in German".

"Yeah ok so Nigel's involved, but chief Crouwler ?" Bernie asked.

"The paintings, the reason I ran of with them is because the were real" Friday said. 

"how did you know?" Melanie asked.  

"The paint on the waterfall painting, it smelt of olive oil, paint that smells of olive oil hasn't been made since the 80s because it was toxic to make. Chief Crouwler was in charge of the painting's. So why would she bring the real ones ?" 

"So the paintings would be handed over to the Benatti's without them doing anything" Ian said shaking his head.

"that's why Chief Crouwler's search team found Binky and Ingrid strait after" Melanie said 

 "exactly" Friday said.

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