Chapter 22 part 2

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"How's Binky" Friday asked.

"No, that's actually why I came down to see you... uh you see Binky lost the rings. We can't find them anywhere." Ian said hesitantly.

"Oh shit" Friday whispered not realising she said that out loud. Ian glanced at her with a horrified look on his face.

"Language" He said acting shocked. Friday looked at him sheepishly.

"Opps! That wasn't meant out come like that." Ian just rolled his eyes and smiled his (as-if )
smiles at her.
Friday changed the subject back to the rings.

"Well first of all we should find out where they were last seen."

"Where what were last seen?" Asked Ingrid as she entered the room.

"Agh" Friday turned to Ian and mouthed 'should we tell her?' Ian shook his head.

"Nothing important." Ian assured her.

"Nothing important?!"Friday yelled. "Oh they are the most important things ever. If their lost Binky and Ingrid wont be able to be..." Ian stared at her horrified. He covered her mouth with his hand.

"Don't worry about Friday, Ingrid. She just forgot to take her medication." Ian told her. Friday was about to burst out that she didn't need medication, but sensed Ian gripping her hand and slightly shaking his head meant that it was code for escaping Ingrid.
The pair dashed out of the room leaving a stunned Ingrid to continue getting fixed up on her own. Goodness knows where Melanie was.

Friday BarnesNot again 13Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora