Story Ideas

17 1 6

Story name- Wattpad Wanderers

Basically everyone just stops using Wattpad but these two people don't and they figure out why. The story would go like this-ish:

1. Protag wakes up

2. Protag meets friend (@firecoolcomboboy2 @ShadowWolfMemes14)

3. Plot introduced

4. Antagonist introduced (Wattpad overseers)

5. Learn why everyone left Wattpad (because pms were deleted idk)

6. Antagonist fights and dies

7. Random cliffhanger that tirggers everyone

Story name- Cameras of all Colours

Basically a story of outcasts of the Alliance. One could be Brown, another could be some speakerman, and a Tv Man etc,.

The main objective of the story would be to prove to the Alliance that the group is worthy of joining them back. (Lets just say they were all made with some sort of diability and was outcasted, for example a Tv Man who can't teleport)

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