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A/N: I don't own the picture! But the picture is Carrie. I hope you enjoy the chapter!

John sighed, "I guess he's right. Alright, Summer this is your new family. I'm your daddy and this is your mommy. Alex and Carrie are your older siblings.", he explained. What? New family??????

I just looked at him in shock and confusion. But what about my REAL mommy and daddy??? Do they know? Did they give me away? "There's some rules you'll have to follow now. First, you have to call me daddy and her mommy. Second, when we say to do something, you have to do it. Third, don't try to leave or get someone to take you back to your old parents. No one can help you. Just ask Alex and Carrie. Fourth, you eat what we give you, when we give it to you. Fifth, behave and don't fight us. Sixth, no running or yelling in the house. Seventh, when we leave the house, be good and follow the rules. There might be more added later but otherwise that's it. Break any of these rules and you'll be punished by how we see fit.", he finished. "Do you understand?", the lady asked me. I stayed silent, not knowing what to say. "Answer me.", she demanded, getting impatient. I nodded silently. "Good, now eat.", John commanded, continuing to eat his food. I looked down at my plate and frowned. I'm not hungry. "Don't make me come over there and feed you.", he threatened, glancing up at me. "I no hungwy. (Translation: I'm not hungry.)", I argued, pushing the plate away. The lady pushed the plate back over to me. "Eat.", she commanded, not even giving me a glance. "I no want to. (Translation: I don't want to.)", I argued once more, pushing the plate away again. John sighed in frustration as he put down his utensils and stood up, storming over to me. He picked up my plate and spoon and scooped up a piece of roast beef. "Open up.", he commanded, holding the spoon to my mouth. I turned my head away which only made him turn my head back to face him again. "Open. Up.", he repeated impatiently. I still refused. "Now Summer.", he demanded threateningly. I don't want to be punished but I'm not hungry either... I hesitantly opened my mouth, allowing him to put the spoon in my mouth and pull it out when I had accepted the food. I chewed the food slowly before swallowing it. He put more food on the spoon and held it to my mouth again, letting me accept it and eat it. This continued on for a few minutes until the food was gone. He put the plate and spoon down before going back to his seat and sitting down to finish eating. "Carrie take care of the dishes when he's finished.", the lady ordered as she finished her food before standing up and going over to me. "Yes ma'am.", Carrie nodded in understanding. The lady took off the high chair's table and unbuckled me from the chair. She picked me up and carried me out of the dining room and up the stairs into a bathroom. She sat me down on the floor, taking off my shirt and shorts. She left the room and came back with a pull up and wipes. She changed me out of the pull up I was wearing but didn't put me in the new one. She sat me down again and made me a small bath, getting down a cup for my hair, a towel, and washcloth. When the bath was ready, she picked me up and sat me down inside the tub. When she was done cleaning me up, she hung up the washcloth and put away the cup. She took me out of the tub and dried me off with the towel, slipping on the pull up afterwards. (A/N: The chapters will range in a bunch of speeds. If there isn't much important in what's happening then it will go fast but if it's leading up to something it will go slow.) She picked me up, towel in hand, and walked to the room I was let out of earlier. "This is your new room Summer.", she announced with a smile. She sat me down on the bed before hanging up the towel behind the door and grabbing footy pajamas. She dressed me in the pajamas and grabbed a small brush, turning me around and brushing my hair. When she was done she put up the brush and pulled back the covers. "Because you broke a rule at dinner you're being punished but since this is your first night with us we're being nice. Early bed time.", she announced, helping me under the covers and tucking me in. She kissed my forehead and gave me the teddy bear before turning on a night light and turning off my lamp, leaving the room as she closed the door behind her. Normally I would've protested against both a bath and bedtime but I really wanted to get away from them. I mean, Carrie seems ok and Alex seems like someone I can trust but I really don't like John and that lady. Am I ever going to go home? Does my mommy and daddy miss me? Tears brimmed my eyes as I stared at the ceiling, thinking. I wish these people didn't take me away from them. I want them back... Tears streamed down my face silently as I laid there. After a while of laying like that, I finally fell asleep.

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Please vote and comment what you think. Next chapter I will be doing it from Summer's mom's POV. Thanks for reading! -Allygator98

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