Saving Alex and Carrie

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A/N: I don't own the picture! The picture is Alex and in this story he's sixteen. I hope you enjoy the chapter!


~Summer's POV~

After a while of laying like that, I finally fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning to yelling in the room next to mine. "YOU WERE TOLD TO DO THE DISHES!!", John yelled at someone. I got up and walked to the door to see it cracked open. Wasn't it closed? I rubbed my eyes and followed the noises to what looked like another girl's room. "IT SHOULDN'T BE MY JOB!", Carrie argued with him, anger clear on her face. I watched as John's face turned tomato red with rage as he raised his hand and smacked her hard. Carrie gasped as her hand slowly reached her cheek and caressed it. "You. Do. NOT. Talk. Back. To. ME.", he sneered, teeth bared against each other. Alex rushed into the room, nearly knocking me over. He stepped in front of Carrie and said, "Leave her alone Dad. She has a point. She's only fourteen, she shouldn't have to do everything around here just so Mom can go shopping all day and hang out with her friends." "Don't you DARE talk about your mother like that!", John snapped at him. "She's not even our real mother!", Carrie hissed at him, tears brimming her eyes. John then launched himself at them in rage, causing me to run forward and grab his leg. "No! Weave dem awone! (Translation: No! Leave them alone!)", I begged him, looking up at John with big, pleading eyes. He looked down at me and stopped where he was, sighing. "Come here Summer.", he responded, picking me up and looking at Alex and Carrie. "You got lucky this time you two. Next time, neither of you will be so lucky.", he snarled, glaring at them before carrying me away and into my room where he sat me down on the bed. "You have a lot of guts kid.", he commented, going into the closet and grabbing a pair of shorts and a shirt. He walked over to the dresser and opened one of the drawers, grabbing a pull up and a pair of socks from inside. He closed the drawer and walked over to me, helping me get ready for the day. When he was finished, he put the pajamas in a hamper and grabbed the hair brush. He brushed out my hair and put it in two pig tails. He put away the brush and picked me up again, carrying me downstairs and into the living room where he put me down in the play pin. There's a toy box full of toys...why am I stuck in a play pin? "Carrie! Alex! Get down here now!", he yelled up the stairs, causing two sets of feet to go down them and into the living room. "Sir?", Alex responded to his call, Carrie staying silent. I could see a faint purple bruise on her face. "Alex, go set the table. You're setting the table for the day. Carrie, you're watching Summer and then after dinner you're washing dishes. I split up the work to get your pathetic, lazy tail ends to actually obey and work.", he announced. "Yes sir.", Alex replied, going into the dining room as Carrie sat down on the couch. John walked out of the room and into what I think is the kitchen. "Breakfast is ready!", the lady called from the kitchen, causing Carrie to get up and walk over to me. "Hey, I'm Carrie. The lady who just yelled is Christie but don't call her that. You'll get punished for it.", she whispered to me, making sure only I could hear. She picked me up and carried me into the dining room. She put me in the high chair and left the room, returning with orange juice. John and the lady, Christie, walked in with oatmeal and a bowl of berries. In the bowl there were fresh blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries. John put down the bowl he was carrying and sat down. Christie grabbed a small bow and put a scoop of oatmeal inside of it before making her own bowl, then passed it on. This continued until everyone had oatmeal. She grabbed the bowl of berries and put a spoonful in the small bowl then put some in her own. Again, it continued until everyone had some. She put the small bowl on the high chair with a spoon and fixed a sippy cup full of orange juice, then handed it to me. Everyone got their orange juice and it was put away. After breakfast, Carrie collected the bowls and cups then left the room. "I'm going to take Summer with me to the mall, ok John?", Christie announced to John, hardly even glancing at him. "Alright, fine.", he responded, leaving the room. Christie took me out of the high chair and carried into the living room. Excitement filled my body. I get to go outside! Maybe I'll see Mommy and Daddy! Christie sat me down and slipped on a pair of tennis shoes on my feet, before putting on a pair of heels. She walked into the kitchen and came back out a few minutes later with a small snack and a sippy cup of grape juice. She picked me up and left the house. We were in a nice neighborhood with pretty houses like mine where I live. Their house was lime green with white shutters and a white roof. They had two cars, a red mini van and a black Honda. She opened the door to the mini van and buckled me in a light pink car seat. She shut the door and walked to the driver's side, getting in. She started the car and drove off.


A/N: I hope you liked it! I know it kinda sucked but the next chapter will be better. I promise. Please vote and comment what you think! Thanks for reading! -Allygator98

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