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A/N: Hey guys! I don't own the picture. But these are the kidnappers, John and Christie. I hope you enjoy the chapter!


We drove for thirty minutes and got to the mall. This was the new mall that had a daycare, brand new stores, and small refreshment stands in every other place. It was amazing. I went there once with my grandma Jean. She didn't make me go to the daycare though like most of the parents with babies and toddlers did. Will Christie make me go to the daycare? Christie found a parking space in the front and parked. She got out and went to the back, opening the door and getting me out of the car seat. She picked me up, closed the car door, and locked it before carrying me into the mall. We went to a place with a lot of kids that were playing and having fun. She was putting me in the daycare! My mom has me go to preschool...I don't like it and I've never been to this place before. Is it going to be like preschool? I don't even want to find out. I squirmed in Christie's arms, a nervous look on my face. She looked at me questioningly and then explained, "I'm not carrying you around so you're going to stay here for awhile and play until I come back." I shook my head as she walked to the front desk. There was a baby proof gate on both sides of the desk and behind it to keep the kids from running off or getting into the things under the desk. Behind the gate was a bunch of kids ranging from the ages newborn to five. The store was HUGE. It had cribs, changing tables, baby toys, high chairs, baby food, bottles, baby formula, diapers, pull ups, wipes, toy boxes filled with toys, play pins, activity centers, even little corners where mats and blankets were stacked up at. It was kid heaven for both babies and toddlers. But I still don't want to stay here. Even it is for awhile. "Good morning. Welcome to Daisy's Daycare for Little Ones. What can I do for you?", a lady with blonde hair pulled up in a pony tail and bright blue eyes asked cheerfully with a big smile on her face. "Yes I would like to sign up my daughter.", Christie answered, pulling out her wallet. "Alright. Just fill this out and she'll be all set. Will she have a box lunch or will you pay for us to buy her lunch?", she questioned. "I'll pay.", Christie informed, filling out the paper she was given and handing it back to her with the money she had to pay. "Alright Summer. I'll call for your teacher.", the lady announced, putting away the paper and stepping over the gate to one of the five teachers in the room. She said something to them and came back with them trailing behind. It was another lady with short brown hair and fawn-like eyes. She was really pretty and looked really nice. She stopped by the gate as the other lady went back to her position at the desk. She smiled at me and introduced, "Hi Summer. My name is Ms. Kate. I'm going to be your teacher. Would you like to come with me and we'll find you something to play with?" I shook my head no. She's really nice but I don't want to stay here. I want my mommy to drop me off here and for me to fight her, not Christie. "Aw, I promise it will be fun.", she promised, giving me a reassuring smile. I stayed silent which just made Christie hand me to her. I squirmed in her grip, not happy with the trade off. "Bye honey. I love you. Be good.", Christie quoted the words only a true mom has the right to say as she kissed my forehead goodbye. "Aren't you going to tell Mommy bye?", Ms. Kate asked me as she held me in her arms with a good grip. "Bye..", I mumbled to Christie, making them both frown. Christie shrugged it off luckily and left as Ms. Kate carried me into the room and suggested, "How about I put you down at the toy box and you can find something, or maybe someone, to play with until lunch time?" I shrugged which made her sigh and walk over to a toy box, setting me down onto my feet. I watched as she walked away to tend to someone else before looking inside the toy box. I grabbed a baby doll and walked over to a corner where there weren't too many kids and sat down.

-time skip to lunch-

It's been three hours since I was left here. Three hours since kids had came and left. Three hours since I've sat in this corner playing with the baby doll and eating the snack Christie made for me. Ms. Kate walked over and checked on me every now and then to see how I was doing and see if I wanted her to find me someone to play with at one of the activity centers. Apparently I'm one of the few that's new to the daycare. Everyone else's parents had signed them up the first day the daycare was opened. So everyone else has friends except for the few of us that just came today. Now workers from the food court were bringing in the food the parents ordered for us to get if they payed for it. I have no idea what Christie checked on the paper for me to get. All the kids with box lunches, the babies, and one-year olds were already eating while the rest of us were waiting. Ms. Kate was trying to keep us patient because, let's face it, we're hungry. Finally, the food arrived and Ms. Kate and the lady at the desk, Ms. Melissa, started with the kids who got McDonalds. "Alright, Sam Costel, Mia South, Tyler Wesman, Summer Gills,....", they continued but my mind wasn't completely focused. I never liked McDonalds. I know it sounds weird but it makes my stomach hurt really bad. When they were done calling the names, Ms. Kate handed everyone their little bag of food and their drink then frowned. She looked at the check list and then down at me. "Summer come and get your food.", she called, motioning for me to come over. I hesitantly walked over to her. But she didn't call for me... I took the bag and cup in confusion then sat back down. I looked in the bag to see that Christie had ordered French fries and a four piece chicken nugget. My stomach is really going to hurt tonight. I took a sip of my drink and looked hesitantly at the food. One of the teachers' helpers walked over to me and asked, "Aren't you going to eat Summer?" I shrugged my shoulders slightly. I'm still debating on whether I want to go hungry or eat this and have a huge stomach ache tonight. "You need to eat Summer. Even if it's just a little bit.", she insisted, pulling out the food from the bag and setting it up to where it wasn't messy. I knew she wasn't going to give up until I ate some of the food, and she wasn't going to leave with just a bite. I picked up a French fry and hesitated before eating it. Then I did the samething with a chicken nugget. She made sure I ate at least half of the food before leaving me alone. I finished the fries and ate a chicken nugget, leaving only one left. I put the trash in the bag and threw it away before drinking it the rest of my drinking and throwing that away too. After lunch, the teachers made us pick up the toys and activity centers. When we were done they announced, "Alright kids. Nap time. Go get a mat and a blanket, find a spot, and lay down." I frowned before trudging over to the mats and blankets, grabbing one of each and going to the corner I've sat in the entire time. The teachers laid down the babies while the rest of us laid down ourselves. They turned off the light and after awhile of laying there I finally fell asleep no matter how hard I tried to fight it.


A/N: hey guys! How'd you like the chapter? It's a bit longer than usual. This kind of a part one to a chapter so next chapter will have a different name but know it's part two to this. Please vote and comment what you think! Two different POVs next chapter! Who do you think they will be? Comment your answer! Thanks for reading! -Allygator98

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