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A/N: I don't own the picture but it's Summer's real parents. I hope you enjoy the chapter!

~Summer's mom's POV~
(A/N: This takes place after Summer is first kidnapped.)

I finished up the last of the laundry I had to do and checked the time. 3:00 p.m I laid Summer down at 12:30. It's about time that I should wake her up. I walked up the stairs and down the hall to Summer's room. I opened the door and called, "Summer? It's time to wake up baby." I looked at the lump in the pile of sheets and smiled. She got a good nap in for once. It takes forever to put her down so it's worth it. She's so stubborn usually. I walked over and squatted down, putting my hands on the lump. I gently shook it as I called softly, "Summer honey, get up." I frowned slightly when I didn't get a reply. That usually works. "Summer. Summer wake up.", I command cautiously as I shake the lump a bit rougher. I pull back the sheets only to discover just a couple of pillows! I search around the room, panic surging through my body as I called out for her. She wasn't in the room! I ran out of the room and checked all around the house, everywhere I could think of, but to no avail. I checked the backyard and still couldn't find her. I rushed back into the house and to the house phone that resided in the kitchen. I called the neighbor, Mrs. McGregor. She was a nosey old woman who couldn't keep her nose in her own business. She would've noticed if Summer left the house. "Hello?", Mrs. McGregor's voice rang through the phone. "Hi Mrs. McGregor. Look, I put Summer down for a nap about three hours ago and now she's gone. Have you seen her??", I asked, informing her of the importance of the situation. "Oh dear, I'm sorry, but no I haven't seen the little one. Would you like me to ask around?", she apologized then asked out of thoughtfulness. "Sure. Thank you Mrs. McGregor.", I thanked her. "You're welcome dear. Don't worry Mrs. Hanson, we'll find her.", she responded reassuringly before hanging up. I hung up on my end and called my husband, Anthony. "Hi hun. What's going on?", he asked in a worried tone. I only call when there's an emergency. "Summer's missing.", I announced, worry etching the tone of my voice. "Are you sure??? Did you check everywhere???", he asked again, concerned. I could hear shuffling in the background as if he was getting ready to leave in a hurry. "Yes I'm sure and yes I checked everywhere. She's gone!", I exclaimed, panic clear in my voice. "Ok, hold on. I'm on my way.", he reassured before hanging up. Thirty minutes later, Anthony came rushing through the front door. He tossed his suitcase on the couch and we both rechecked the house again. We found nothing, again. Then we got in the car and started looking around the neighborhood, knocking on doors and asking people if they've seen her. We kept turning up with nothing. She couldn't have gotten far! She's only two! We searched the entire neighborhood by the end of three hours and returned home. That's when we noticed it. When we entered the house, I went into the kitchen to get drinks and that's when I noticed the backdoor. It was cracked open. I didn't leave it open. There's three exit doors. There's the front door, the side door, and the back door. We don't go out the back door much because the lock gets stuck too easily when we try to close it from the inside. "Anthony!", I called in panic. Anthony rushed into the room and his face paled at the door. He grabbed the phone and called 911. The door was locked. When I checked the back yard, I went out the side door. There isn't anyway Summer could've reached that lock...

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed it! Let me know what you think of Mrs. Hanson's POV and let me know if I should do her's more often. I will do Alex's POV at some point I just don't know when yet. Please vote and comment what you think! Thanks for reading. -Allygator98

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