Daddy's Girl

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The man took the final picture and Alex came over and carried me into the waiting room, Carrie following behind.


Alex sat me down on the floor as he and Carrie sat in the chairs, waiting for Christie and John. They were still in the room and it took them awhile before they finally walked into the waiting area with the man following behind. He was holding a clipboard and a pen with a piece of paper attached to the clipboard that looked like, from what I could see, was the pictures of us. Christie walked over to me and picked me up, putting me in the stroller and buckling me in. She grabbed her purse and started to push me outside, with Carrie and Alex following with the diaper bag. I didn't see John come with us so maybe he was staying? We got to the car and Christie put me in the car seat and sat in the passenger's seat. Alex put the diaper bag in the floor boards below me and went to the back of the car with Carrie and the stroller. After a minute, I heard the trunk slam shut and they got in the car silently. But we didn't leave. Is it because John isn't here? Finally, after what felt like forever, John came to the car and got in, starting it up. We drove for a bit before pulling up into the driveway at the house. Are we going in already??? But we never go outside! I started to whine as everyone got out of the car. John immediately went to my door, passing his keys to Christie, before opening the door and letting me out of the car seat. He held me in his arms, cooing at me and bouncing me in his arms while walking into the house. I just continued to squirm and whine in his arms, on the verge of a full on tantrum. I felt something pull at my pull up, checking it before letting go. John sat down on the couch and held me close to his chest, rubbing my back and whispering sweet things in my ear. Soon I calmed down, getting over not being able to stay outside at the time. Christie walked in the room, carrying a sippy cup filled with milk, and sat down on the couch next to us. She handed me the sippy cup and kissed my forehead. I just moved my head away from the affectionate contact and buried my face in John's chest. I wanted my real parents. My real mommy. Why wasn't she coming for me? Where was she? "Aww, look at her John.", Christie cooed as she played with my hair, "She's definitely a daddy's girl. She makes me want to have another one." John chuckled at her statement and replied, "Well that's definitely an option." "I'm going to lay her down for a nap, then we can discuss the future possibilities.", he explained, standing up with me and carrying me upstairs to my room. He laid me down on the bed and took off my shoes, tucking me in with the covers. "See you in a bit baby girl. Daddy loves you.", he told me, kissing my forehead and leaving the room. After awhile of laying there, the sleepiness got to me and I finally fell asleep.


A/N: Hey guys sorry it took so long. I love all of your comments and honestly I was on vacation so I wasn't going to update let alone even get on so that's one reason why it took forever. I didn't realize that today was Sunday and I think this is when I said I would release this chapter and I already have another book to update and a one shot to write by Tuesday and I honestly don't know what I'm going to write for it. So I just had to get this done quickly and get it out, which is why it's so short. But let me know what you think of me adding a new character. It's an idea I'm having and I wanna know what you guys think. Thanks for being so patient and for reading! -Allygator98

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