'Bonding Moment'

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I turned back to the kids and tended to them. But nothing could keep my mind off of Summer. Maybe I should keep an eye on her...


~Summer's POV~

We stayed like that for a while until John called for him, telling him to leave me alone as I 'needed to learn my lesson'. So now I'm laying on the bed facing away from the door. There's no sunlight in the room so I guess it's almost dinner by now. I don't want to eat though. I want my real mommy and daddy NOW. John's heavy footsteps sounded down the hall into the room as he stopped at the bed, picking me up as he announced, "Ok Summer, dinner time." He carried me downstairs and into the dining room as I stayed silent. He placed me in the highchair and left the room. Alex was quietly setting the table, putting out plates, forks, knives, and glass cups along with cloth napkins. He placed a baby spoon on my little table before putting down a small bowl and sippy cup at Christie's place. He gave me a smile of empathy before sitting down in his place as Carrie, Christie, and John walked in with the food.

-After Dinner-

Christie got me out of the highchair as Carrie started washing the dishes from dinner. She carried me up the stairs and into the bathroom where she stripped me and made me a small bath. She quickly washed me before carrying me back to the room and drying me off. She put me in a pull up and dressed me in a Dragon Tales nightgown then brushed my hair. "Alright, since you were such a bad girl today at daycare, Mommy's putting you to bed early. Daddy's orders.", she announced with a small scowl, tucking me in. She didn't bother turning on the nightlight as she turned off the light and left the room, closing the door behind her. After an hour of laying there, I finally fell asleep.

-The Next Morning-

I woke up to see the first break of daylight shining in my face. I sat up and stretched, getting up from the bed. I toddled over to the door and got up on my tip toes and reached for the door knob, barely being able to open it but managing to. I toddled out of the room and down the stairs to see the TV off and no one in the kitchen or dining room. No one's awake. I smiled and giggled, going over to the toy box in the living room and started playing with a bunch of toys. After thirty minutes, Christie walked downstairs. She was in her pajamas still but her hair was brushed already. She looked shocked to see I was already awake but quickly picked me up and checked my pull up, which was wet. She shook her head and carried me to the bathroom upstairs where she changed me and brought me back downstairs. "Summer, if you wake up before Mommy or Daddy does, you come and get us. You can't be up by yourself. And you tell us when you go potty in your pull up.", she scolded, placing me in the play pin before turning on Disney Junior, "Now you be a good girl and watch Mickey while Mommy makes breakfast." She walked off into the kitchen after that, ignoring the mess of toys on the floor as I pouted. After a few minutes, heavy footsteps sounded from upstairs, followed by a series of banging and yelling before the heavy steps stomped down the stairs. John walked in and smiled when he saw me. He walked over and ruffled my hair, "Good morning princess." He looked over at the toys on the floor before remarking, "Looks like you had fun this morning now didn't you?" He stood up straight before calling, "Carrie!!!!! Alex!!!!!!!!" Alex and Carrie immediately came trudging down the stairs, "Sir?" "Alex, you're in charge of Summer today and you get to wash dishes after dinner tonight. Carrie, you set the table today. Get to work.", he barked before walking into the kitchen with Carrie following. Alex sighed, sitting down on the couch. I looked up at him before standing up and reaching for him, signaling that I want out. "I wish I could Summer but I'll get in trouble if I let you out.", Alex told me with a hint of regret in his voice. I whined, reaching out to him more. I don't want to sit in this stupid play pin anymore. He sighed again, shaking his head. He got up and started picking up the toys and putting them in the toy box. I watched with sadness and disbelief. What are you doing??? No! Stop it! I started to whine louder and show my frustration through throwing a small tantrum. What's the point of having a toy box with toys in it if I can't play with any of them??? Alex looked over at me and shushed, "Shhh Summer. You're fine. Stop whining before Dad comes in and punishes you." Sadly, it was too late. John walked into the room and looked at us, "What's going on in here???" Hmm...maybe I could use this to my advantage. I do this to my real daddy all the time! I reached up to John and whined, "Daddy!!!" "What is it princess?", he cooed, bending down and looking at me in question. "Out!", I requested in a small whine, reaching as high as I could up at him. "Oh I see. Come here baby.", he cooed, picking me up out of the play pin and placing me on his hip. Not exactly what I had in mind but at least I'm out of the play pin. John looked at Alex and commanded, "Finish putting up these toys and go help your mother with the food. I'll take care of Summer." "Yes sir.", Alex answered obediently, quickly finishing picking up the toys before going into the kitchen. John turned off the TV before walking into the dining room. "I bet you're hungry baby. Daddy will feed you today before Mommy gets you dressed.", he told me, placing me in the highchair. "Mommy's going to make you all nice and pretty just like her and then we're going to go get your picture made with all of us, your siblings, and all by yourself. So today you don't have to go to daycare, I promise.", he explained as Christie came out with a plate of pancakes and Alex followed her with a bottle of syrup and a pitcher of orange juice. "Hun, I'll feed Summer. She seems to be having her bonding moment with me.", he told Christie, giving her a smile. Bonding moment? What's a 'bonding moment'? That made Carrie frown and look at Alex with confusion sadness, and slight fear. Alex just shrugged as he sat down. "Aw, really? I was hoping she would be a mommy's girl but at least she's having her bonding moment with someone.", she replied with a smile of adoration. "Yeah. If Alex was brought home when he was younger he would've had a bonding moment too. We should've gotten a younger kid sooner.", John replied, putting a small pancake on a Winnie the Pooh plate and cutting it up into small pieces. He poured a little bit of syrup onto it and poured orange juice into a sippy cup, putting the plate and the cup onto my tray. "Eat up baby.", he cooed, kissing my forehead before fixing his own plate. Christie tied on a bib around my neck and kissed my cheek before quickly going back to her plate and answering, "Yeah, I agree. Carrie was just too stubborn for her age group. Starting young would've been better." I listened to them talk as I ate my pancakes in silence.


A/N: Heyy guys. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I would've posted this earlier but I'm sick with a cold and I'm really underweight (I'm 17 and I weight 90 pounds.) so I have a lot going on with semester exams coming up in a couple of days and all. So, anyways, what's your theory on the bonding moment? Comment what you think it is! I'm already working on the next chapter so it shouldn't take long to finish it. Comment what you think and please vote! -Allygator98

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