'Family' Picture

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I listened to them talk as I ate my pancakes in silence.


After breakfast, Christie wiped my hands and face with a baby wipe and untied my bib. She took me out of the highchair and placed me on her hip. "Alex, when you're done putting the dishes in the sink, go get ready in the suit I laid out for you last night.", she commanded, leaving the dining room and going upstairs to my room. She put me down on the bed and looked into the closet. "Now, what should we dress you in.", she said in a tone as if she were in deep thought. She searched through the closet and gasped in realization, grabbing a pretty white, sleeveless formal dress that would go down to my shin. She laid it beside me and went back into my closet, grabbing a pair of black Maryjane shoes then went over to the dresser and pulled out a pair of white stockings, before walking over to me. She pulled off my nightgown and stood me up. She pulled the stockings over my legs and over my pull up. She grabbed the dress and took it off the hanger, putting the hanger back down onto the bed. She put the dress over my head and helped my arms through the arm holes. "Turn around for Mommy sweetie.", she cooed, as I turned for her. She buttoned up the back of the dress and sat me down on the bed again. She put the shoes on my feet and stood up, grabbing my hair brush and sitting down on the bed. She stood me up and had me stand in front of her, my back facing her. She brushed out my hair and then put my hair in a side pony tail. She put away my hair brush and picked me up, carrying me back downstairs to the living room and putting me down in the play pin. "We'll leave soon baby. Don't worry.", she assured, going back upstairs. I sighed, already bored of sitting here. I started playing with my toys and after a few minutes of waiting, Alex and Carrie walked downstairs. Alex was in a black suit with a red tie, his hair combed back. Carrie had on a red sundress with red flats. Her hair was loosely curled and she had red eyeshadow, black mascara, and red lip gloss on. They both looked great! I stood up in my play pin and reached up at them, wanting someone to hold me. Carrie complied and picked me up, placing me on her hip. "Awww, aren't you adorable!", Carrie cooed, kissing my cheek. I giggled, blushing at the compliment. "Yes she is.", John's voice sounded from above us. We all quickly looked up the stairs to the top to see John in a suit that matched Alex's with his hair combed back too. He walked down the stairs and over to us where he took me from Carrie's arms. "Hey princess. Let's go get you a snack for the ride, shall we?", he suggested, turning to Alex, "Go to her room and pack a diaper bag for her." "Yes sir.", Alex answered, going upstairs quickly. John carried me into the kitchen where he grabbed a Clifford sippy cup from a cupboard and a grape juice jug. He poured the juice into the sippy cup and put up the jug before grabbing a plastic snack baggy and walked me over to a pantry. "Pick a snack sweetie.", he commanded gently, kissing my cheek. I looked at all of the snacks before pointing at a bag of goldfish. He grabbed the bag and put some of it into the baggy, sealing it. He put the bag of goldfish away and said, "Alright, do you want Scooby or Hello Kitty?", he asked me, putting at a box of Scooby Doo Graham Cracker Snacks (the ones that looks like little bones if you don't know) and at the box of Hello Kitty fruit snacks. After a moment of thought, I pointed at the Hello Kitty box. I'll get Scooby next time. He grabbed a packet of the snack and the baggy as Alex walked in with the diaper bag. John put the snacks inside and put the sippy cup in the cup holder net on the side. Christie walked into the room and asked, "Is everything ready John?" She looked stunning! Her hair was loosely curled and her silver dress went to her knees. It was tight but not skin tight and it fit her curves perfectly. Her make up was perfect too. "Yeah.", John replied, carrying me out of the kitchen with Alex following with the diaper bag. We all walked out to the mini van where John put me in the light pink car seat and Carrie sat in the middle seat with Alex on the other side. John got in the driver's seat and Christie got in the passenger's and we started driving off somewhere.

After a bit of driving, we finally stopped. Christie, Alex, Carrie and John all got out of the car. Christie, Carrie, and John walked up to the front door of a big, brick building as Alex went to the back of the car. Are they leaving me??? Just as I was starting to cry, Alex opened the door and got me out of the carseat. "Come on, it's ok. I wouldn't leave you all by yourself like that. I just had to get your stroller.", Alex cooed in explanation, trying to soothe me. He put me in a black and purple stroller and buckled me in. He grabbed the diaper bag and began rolling me over to where everyone else was. We went inside the building and I was strolled to awaiting area where a toy box of toys next to a group of chairs were while . Alex stopped the pushing the stroller and let me out as he commanded subtly me, "Go play." Once I was out, I immediately toddled over to the toy box and grabbed a big bag filled with old blocks. Most of the colors on them were fading but it's better than nothing, plus blocks are always fun to play with! I played for about ten minutes before John walked over and picked me up, "Alright baby, let's go get our pictures taken." When did he get over here? He carried me into a room with a background drop and a medium sized table, immediately giving me to Alex and sitting down in a chair. Alex carried me over to Carrie who was in front of the background drop where a pretty field of flowers showed behind her. Alex stood beside her before moving me to his other hip. A man behind a camera looked at us with a thoughtful look. "Carrie put your arm around Summer like you're hugging her.", he commanded before grinning when Carrie did as she was told and said, "Perfect! Now smile everyone!" Alex and Carrie both smiled as Christie stood behind the man encouraging me to smile. I looked at Christie, then Alex, then the man, and then back to Christie. I guess I should smile too. I smiled as flashes came from in front of us. Christie and John quickly walked behind us, Christie behind Carrie and John behind Alex. They both smiled too and allowed the man to take more pictures. "Great! Now one with just Alex and Summer.", he said, causing Christie, John, and Carrie to all three go to the two chairs by the door. The man took another picture and commanded Carrie and Alex to switch positions and to give me over to Carrie. They did as told and I held onto Carrie with my head on her shoulder, looking towards the camera. The man couldn't complain as he snapped another picture. "Alright. Christie, John, get Summer and hold her in place of Carrie." They both did as told and held me. I was in John's arms but in the middle (kinda) of both him and Christie. They smiled but this time I didn't smile. I was too tired of being held that I honestly just wanted down. The man took the picture anyway, claiming I looked adorable with my head laying on John's shoulder out of boredom. I would pitch a fit but I don't want another spanking like yesterday. "Alright, now just one of Summer and we'll be done." John put me down on the table and rolled it over to the background drop before walking over to Carrie and Alex. Once again, Christie encouraged me to smile as I sat there, in which I complied as I was no longer being held. The man took the final picture and Alex came over and carried me into the waiting room, Carrie following behind.


A/N: Hey guys, sorry for the long wait. I've had writer's block with all my stories and I had the ACT to deal with and I'm preparing for a wedding that's in two weeks for my cousin so I've just been really busy. Hope you like the chapter! Thanks.


Kidnapped ChildOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora