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~*Wei Wuxian's POV*~

Lan Zhan said his brother wished to sit down and talk with us. He was to be here shortly and I wasn't exactly sure what they wanted to talk about. I do know that Lan Zhan said he told his brother of Biling Lake and the water ghouls. I also know that he knows of me being out past curfew. I walked with Lan Zhan to his brother's residence which was closer to the main courtyard of Cloud Recesses than Lan Zhan's residence. I suppose it made sense as Zewu Jun was the Sect Leader.

When we got there, Zewu Jun had tea prepared and set up a privacy barrier. I sighed knowing that this was more than likely about Biling Lake, maybe a bit more than that. It's not that I didn't want to talk about it but I know that they will go more into my head about what's been going on. I am just not used to getting so much attention like this, attention where it's helpful and not hurtful.

"Wei Gongzi, Wangji has told me about the situation at Biling Lake. I want to thank you for your assistance in handling it," Zewu Jun said.

"I don't mind. I handled water ghouls all the time in Yunmeng," I answered.

"Wangji said you played a flute, and you managed to subdue them alone," Zewu Jun said, "how are you doing? I know it must have cost you a lot of energy."

"I am fine," I replied, "I was a bit more tired than usual this morning but other than that it wasn't much."

"If I may ask, how is your spiritual energy so high?" Zewu Jun questioned.

"A healer from Yunmeng had a theory," I answered, "even though I couldn't feel the pain I was in, it caused my body to gain more endurance and strength. As I healed the energy in my body grew as some of the healing process required resting and meditation. Other times I would have to just deal with it and train like everyone else no matter what my body was going through."

"I see," Zewu Jun said, "well, I am still grateful for your help with the ghouls."

I nodded, "not a problem."

"While we are here, I'd like to talk about something else too," Zewu Jun said. I looked at him and waited for him to tell me, "Wangji told me about the issue between you two. It seems that you are having trouble with our sect rules?"

I sighed, "I have no problem with them. I was out past curfew and I was glad to wait until morning to be let in. That was the punishment for missing curfew. Lan Zhan found me because I came back for help on the ghouls but I didn't want to talk to him at the time so I went to handle the ghouls on my own. He followed. He said I wasn't going to get punished as I helped with the ghouls. I also said I wasn't going to stay here if the rules are going to be an issue for me. I already had my life controlled by one person and now that I am free of her, I don't want to be controlled by another or any sort of rules," I explained, "if you have a problem with that, even though I respect your rules and have followed them as best as I can, I am still considered as just a guest. I am technically free to go as I please. I don't necessarily want to be caged in another sect. Even though this one has my soulmate in it which is the only reason I am actually still here. Otherwise I would have left by now."

"Do you wish to live elsewhere?" Lan Zhan asked.

"Huh?" I questioned.

"If you are uncomfortable living here in Cloud Recesses, we can work something out so we are both happy," Lan Zhan said.

"I can't do that to you," I said, "we may have some things to work out but I can't just leave. Though I would like to eventually."

"I told Wangji if he wanted, he can go with you wherever you wish to go," Zewu Jun said.

"You would do that? You would leave your home for me?" I asked.

"Wei Ying, once a Lan finds their soulmate, they cannot live without them. It sounds so claustrophobic and selfish of us, but we would leave our sect to be with our soulmate because we consider our soulmates our home once they are found. A sect just becomes a location and a house just becomes a place to keep us dry and warm," Lan Zhan explained. He really just spoke all of that. Proud of him.

"Wouldn't you have to complete the bond first before you can do that?" I asked.

"Not necessarily," Zewu Jun butted in, "once the bond is made, no matter how much the two are connected, it becomes more complicated if you two are apart. You actually become weaker as you get stronger together. You may be two bodies but when the bond forms, it slowly makes it seem like you are becoming one body."

I nodded, "I do not have a set place on where I'd like to go, but I do know that I don't want to stay here forever. I am happy to marry Lan Zhan and complete the bond but I don't think I can handled the rules indefinitely. I don't want to be punished all the time because I sat improperly."

"You won't be punished all the time because Wangji is in charge of your punishments from now on," Zewu Jun said, "you do not have to worry about others punishing you."

I looked at Lan Zhan, "am I being punished?"

"No," he replied, "it is considered compensation for handling the ghouls. Just come to me from now on if something is bothering you."

"Alright," I said, "I am sorry if this seems like a lot but I am just trying to get used to this situation. A lot has happened for me in the last couple weeks so it's a lot to deal with."

"I can understand that," Zewu Jun said, "just know that you are not alone. We are to be family soon enough and now is a good time to practice relying on us if you need anything."

"I will try," I said, "and...about the water ghouls...someone must have deliberately brought them. If the lake wasn't infested one day but it was the next, then somebody had to have caused it."

"We have to investigate it more," Zewu Jun said, "though there have been some reports of the Wen Sect causing issues in smaller sects and clans. I can have some people look more into it."

"Alright," I said.

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