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The scene begins back at Gran Torino's place. It's been 3 days since the start of the internship, and the boys were making good headway into their quirks. Izuku was starting to get better at channeling his quirk throughout his body at 5%, but needed to get faster at triggering it. Arc had been getting closer to phasing, but still had difficulty getting his entire body to do it. As a compromise, Shadow told him to first try practicing with an arm first before trying the whole body.

They were in another sparring session that ended with the boys being beaten.

Gran Torino: (sighs) We should switch up the training. If they get too used to fighting against our distinct tactics or each other, they might develop some weird habits.

Shadow: Agreed.

Arcturus: What habits?! We're just trying to keep up with you!

Izuku: Easy for you to say! Please, let us fight some more!

Gran Torino: No, we're done here.

Shadow: Get your costumes on, boys. We're going out to start Phase 2.

Arc and Izuku: Huh?

Following their instructors' words, they got into their suits and were heading out.

Gran Torino: Hope you're both ready. We're going out to fight some villains.

Izuku: Huh?! What, just like that?

Shadow: If you two only fight us, you'll be in trouble when you come across someone who's the complete opposite. One of the key things about fighting opponents is to never get used to one style and prepare for the unexpected.

Gran Torino: Precisely, Ichikawa. Along with certain situations to be put into. (To the boys) This is an internship after all. Neither of you really shouldn't be that surprised by this.

Arcturus: Not gonna lie, I actually almost forgot about that.

Izuku: I get what you're both saying and I definitely agree. It's just that I feel like I need more time to prepare myself.

Arcturus: We've technically already had some combat with real villains at the USJ. Field experience will help us grow better. I mean, think of this like the time I helped teach you how to swim.

Izuku: (glares at him) I'm still mad at you for that.

Gran Torino: Comparisons aside, your friend's correct. You'll both be fine. We aren't going after anyone that big. (Calls a taxi over)

Shadow: To help get that experience, we're heading to a more large populated area.

The taxi comes by and they were told to head to the train station.

Gran Torino: Because of the small population in this area, the crime rate is pretty low. That's why there are so many hero agencies in urban areas, there's a lot more crime there. The higher the population density, the more trouble you'll find. Now in Shibuya, there'll be plenty of small fights to break up, I guarantee.

Izuku: Wait, you mean we're going to Shibuya in Tokyo?

Arcturus: Oo! I haven't been there in a while. Great city, lots of shops to check out.

Izuku: I'm, uh, not so sure my hero costume is hip enough.

Gran Torino: Those costumes tell everyone you're heroes. You should be happy you get to display them in such a bright spotlight.

Shadow: Plus, since you're both still students, it's not like you can just wear them whenever you want.

Arcturus: So, are we taking the bullet train towards Shinjuku?

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