*part 18*

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she woke up from her dream, finding herself in the hospital, and asked, "Where am I?"

Slowly, Sana's eyes met a figure sitting beside her, and without thinking, his name escaped her lips, "Jungkook!" Hearing her voice, Jungkook came closer, his concern evident in his tone as he asked, "Are you okay, Twilight?" Sana nodded in response, but confusion clouded her mind as she asked, "Why am I in the hospital? What happened to me?" Jungkook sighed in relief and leaned back in his seat before explaining, "That's what happens when you don't take care of your body. You're feeling okay now because the doctor injected medicine to prevent vomiting, but otherwise, you would have been suffering from an ulcer." Sana's eyes widened in shock as she repeated, "An ulcer?" Jungkook sighed, crossing his arms over his chest, and continued, "huh! , Is it really that difficult to take care of yourself, Twilight? You don't know how worried I was."

Sana was stunned by Jungkook's transparent display of concern for her well-being. Despite knowing that it's forbidden to love a non-Muslim, she found herself unknowingly falling for him. As she fully comprehended the depth of her feelings for him, she came to a realization and silently spoke to herself, seeking guidance, "Asthagfirullah rab, I won't engage in haram actions. But for his good deeds, just show him the right path, give him hidayah. And if he is not meant to be in my destiny, then distance me from him so that I can never feel the same way again."

Meanwhile, Jungkook noticed that Sana seemed lost in her thoughts and hadn't responded to him. He softly called her name, "Twilight!" As Sana heard his voice, she looked into his eyes and silently spoke in her mind, "Please find your path, your Rab is waiting for you with love and care." Then, Jungkook interrupted her thoughts, asking, "Twilight, are you okay?" Sana smiled and replied, "I'm really fine, and don't worry about me. I will take care of myself, and this won't happen again." Jungkook smiled back at her, saying, "That's my girl." Sana pressed her lips lightly as she heard him call her "my girl."
An unknown blush tinted her cheeks while Jungkook lost in staring her cuteness

                             SALMAN's pov

Salman rushed into the emergency room after Jungkook informed him about Sana's condition. As he entered, he found Sana sitting on the bed with Jungkook by her side. Salman quickly moved towards her, enveloping her in a hug, and asked in a worried tone, "Are you okay, Princess?"

Sana pulled back from the hug and, with a small smile, reassured him, "I'm fine, Alhamdulillah, Oppa. Don't you dare shed tears again just for your Princess. I want your eyes to be the most attractive like before."

Holding Sana's hands, Salman replied, "You know how much I love you, right? So please, Princess, take care of yourself, and Oppa will handle the rest. I won't let any worries reach you."

Sana's eyes filled with affectionate tears, deeply moved by Salman's love and concern for her as a brother.

Meanwhile, Jungkook stood nearby, lost in thought as he watched the deep bond and love shared between Salman and Sana. A tear escaped his eye as memories of someone he missed deeply surfaced. Not wanting to disturb the touching moment between brother and sister, Jungkook quietly left the room and wiped away his tears. As he stepped out, he noticed a group of nurses rushing towards the emergency room with unconscious Taehyung on a stretcher.

Jungkook was shocked for a moment, having no idea what had happened to Taehyung. He quickly moved towards the stretcher, but the doctor closed the emergency room door, leaving him alone outside. He felt a mix of worry and confusion.

Jungkook felt a reassuring hand on his shoulder and turned to see Taehyung's uncle. Overcome with emotion, he hugged him tightly, tears streaming down his face. He called "Uncle!", the relief and sadness evident in his voice. It was Kim Seok Hyung, who had been like a father to both Jungkook and Taehyung after their tragic past,

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