Chapter 13

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He looked at her, silly little thing. She had been so insignificant just a few months before. Nothing. Just another mortal. But now, oh now.

He had made grand plans for death, and death had made grand plans for both the Mortal girl and the Asgardian boy.

He knew his plans. And she knew hers.

While both of them sat arguing with each other oblivious to either.

No matter how hard the trickster tried, he would have her, and then he would enjoy breaking her, just as he enjoyed taking him apart. Oh yes, he would enjoy it immensely.


"Sounds stupid." You told Loki. It didn't. You just loved to see him try and make you understand whatever he was talking about. Poor guy looked cute struggling.

"Like everything else that comes out of your mouth." He smirked at you while he tried to dumb down magic enough so that a 'mortal' would understand them.

"More often than not, it's your name." You say right back, a shit eating grin on your face.

He raises an eyebrow.

"It is." You say when he doesn't say anything. "You are ruing my joke." Still nothing."I hate you." You whine.

"As I was saying..."
"No. You aren't saying anything cause I don't want to listen to it." You glare at him.

"I thought you liked my voice." He teases.

"Not when you are using it to irritate the hell out of me. No, I don't." You snap at him.

He kicks you lightly, very lightly, and you, who were sitting at the edge of the couch in the tower living room, fall right off and very dramatically, too.

You look at him open-mouthed.

"Jarvis," you say, pouting.

"Oh, please." He rolls his eyes.

"Yes, miss y/n," the AI replies, sounding so done with both of you.

"Don't."Oh, please," me." You glare at him, Jarvis forgotten. As you click your fingers and point one at him

"I'll do what I want, sorceress." He says as he leans in to flick your finger with his with a deft stroke of his wrist.

"Miss y/n." Jarvis interrupts your banter.

"Sorry, I really thought I wanted to say something to you, but I don't." You tell him apologetically as you stand up.

"Is it weird for you too that we live in a place where someone is watching us 24/7?" You ask.

"Nope, it feels like home." He says with the utmost sincerity

"No wonder we turned out to be this way." You say, fake smiling, remembering years of being kept under near constant supervision and no privacy.

"Hmm." He says, picking up his book.

"You will eventually have to go back to Asgard, you know?" You breach the subject he hasn't talked about since morning.

"You missed a test, an important test." He said, looking away from his book just long enough to look at you, "am I saying anything about it?"

"That's different."

"No, I it's not. Now shush and let me read."

"On an unrelated note, will Thor be angry at me?"

"No." He said, closing his book and putting it down. No more reading then.

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