Chapter 47: He chose the right side

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We walked back to our house, which we were pretty sure still belonged to us, though we weren't one hundred per cent. Katara decided that we should rest for the day before we tried to attend a war meeting, and I agreed-but I didn't really feel tired. I was energised for some strange reason, and maybe it was because I was riding off the defeat of the Dai Li, and I no longer felt scared.

I offered to walk to Toph to her mum, but she refused. Something about wanting to be alone when she met with her. I agreed, but still didn't want to sit around the house. So, I walked to the park, in some sort of hope that it would alleviate all of this energy I had picked up.

As I sat on a bench, staring up at the sycamore tree that spread out above me, I felt as if my loose ends in this city were being tied up. No more Dai Li, no more Cheng. The one loose thread I was too nervous to go visit. I had given him perhaps a selfish ultimatum, but an ultimatum I had to make nonetheless. Hoping for change was easier than watching it attempt to be done.

"Miss Laina?"

I looked to the left to see Iroh. My eyebrows raised as he walked over to me, looking kind of tired. He sat down and seemed exasperated. I checked around the secluded park just in case.

"Iroh, what are you doing in the upper ring?" I asked.

He smiled, "I managed to get my own tea shop! The Jasmine Dragon. We have our own, rather spacious, apartment as well."

I beamed, "That's amazing! I'm so glad." I paused and frowned slightly, "But I can't help but notice you seem tired."

Iroh nodded, "I came looking for you before, but you were not here." He looked at his hands, face pulled in tight lines, "My nephew has fallen ill. It is an illness of mind and body."

"What? I don't understand," My speaking pace had picked up.

"Zuko made a decision that put his mind at war. It was such an act that went against his own moral judgement that his body is fighting his mind."

I furrowed my brow, "Well, what was this act?"

"I think my nephew should be the one to tell you. But I believe your presence might be able to guide him to the right decision," Iroh informed me.

"Ok, I'll come."

Seeing Zuko on the tatami, sweating, with a furrowed brow and fidgeting around made my heart weak

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Seeing Zuko on the tatami, sweating, with a furrowed brow and fidgeting around made my heart weak. I dropped to his side, inspecting him. I felt his forehead with the back of my hand, and he was burning up. I slid my hand under his blanket to feel the beat of his heart, and it beat too fast. Iroh watched me carefully.

I refilled the bucket that lay next to him with cool water, grabbing a rag from the kitchen and throwing it into the pail. I set it back down next to Zuko, dipping into the bucket and bringing out the rag. I wrung it out, dabbing it on Zuko's forehead, and some of the water actually evaporated. I felt his cheeks, and he was so hot it was almost uncomfortable to touch him. I left my hand too long and actually jerked it back.

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