Chapter 6: Monster

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Like my classmates, I had naively thought this was a normal school. Though I had a few suspicions, I didn't bother making connections or investigating the issue. I admit it.

I had enjoyed myself. It was a simple life.

Then, a slender, purple-haired boy named Okitani Kyōsuke shattered my vision.

I will not be confined to Class D's supposed fate. I refuse to accept that my destiny is predetermined by the class ranking system. The school's facade of equality and promises of a guaranteed graduation rate mean nothing to me now.

I have always been an outlier, a loner. But now, with the revelation of the hidden truths within this school, I must adapt.

I must reach Class A and prove to everyone, especially my brother, that I am not a defect. I am capable of becoming the best. I am worthy of Class A.

I will use the strategy committee as a means to understand the intricacies of the special exams and exploit them to elevate Class D's standing. Ayanokōji-kun, whether friend or foe, will be a valuable asset. The strategy committee may force me to socialize with others, but if that's what it takes to ascend to Class A, then so be it. I will adapt, learn, and manipulate the social dynamics to my advantage.

The school is watching, and evaluating every move we make. This is a battle for survival, and I intend to emerge victorious. The journey ahead is uncertain and filled with challenges and revelations.

But I am determined to rewrite my story.

On my name as Horikita Suzune, I swear it. I will prove my worth as both a student and a person.

To my brother, to Okitani-kun, to Hirata-kun. To the rest of the class and the school.

To Ayanokōji Kiyotaka.

I, Horikita Suzune, deserve to stand amongst the elite.


"Ayanokōji-kun, please come with me to the faculty office."

She had called me out at the end of class. I obediently got up from my seat and followed Chabashira-sensei out of the room. The walk there was silent, and neither of us spoke to each other. Once we arrived at the destination, my teacher still hadn't spoken, so I decided to question her.

"Chabashira-sensei, what is this for?"

"Get inside. Don't speak a word." Her tone brokered no room for argument, and I obliged. She locked the door. The click cast an ominous atmosphere to our meeting. The room was dimly lit, and I could see the shadows cast onto Chabashira's smooth, pale skin.

"What's this about, Chabashira-sensei?"

"I know what you did. You were responsible for the expulsion of Yamauchi Haruki and Ike Kanji. You lost 600 class points."

I didn't understand why my beautiful teacher had taken so long to confront me about it. It was rather strange, but everything was about adaptability. That was how you survived.

"I don't recall that. Besides, why confront me almost two weeks later?"

"Let's not play games, Ayanokōji. There are no cameras in this room." I already knew that, but I didn't know if there were audio recorders or not. "What are you planning to do with my class?"

"Your class? Chabashira-sensei, you should win the Oscar for how much you pretend not to care."

There was a glint in her brown eyes, as she moved forward.

"Let's return to the crux of the matter. You framed those two at the swimming pool."

"All this is merely conjecture. At the time, the school launched an investigation that swiftly proved I was innocent. But you're here disputing that fact. On what basis?"

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