The Next Morning

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there's a big surprise in this oneshot so enjoy 🫶

~~~~~~ No Ones POV ~~~~~~

It's been a very long but exciting day. The company just got an amazing offer thanks to their greatest employee Xiao. Aether worked in the same place and he absolutely admired Xiao. Maybe even more than the others did.

He was perfect in every way. He had the body, the lips, eyes, talent, words, voice and abs. Aether one time caught Xiao changing after work. It was a glorious sight to see indeed. Sadly, Aether has never got the courage to to talk to him. He only ever secretly admires him.

Sometimes, he even cooks and leaves food for him at his desk. Aether learned his favorite food was almond tofu. He enjoys making it and loves Xiaos face when he eats it. At first, Xiao was skeptical of the food and even threw it away a couple of times but one day Aether saw how hard of a day Xiao was having.

He went home during his lunch break and made it for him quickly. Xiao seemed somewhat greatful when he found it and actually ate it. Ever since then, he's ate Aethers food but he still hasn't figured out it's him.

Xiaos expression was calm and somewhat at ease as the party went on. He had a drink in his hand but didn't seem to be drinking much of it. Only Aether would notice this. Aether stayed in a corner while the party started getting a little crazy. People we drinking too much. Aether sighed and started making his way out.

Outside, there was barely anyone. Aether walked to his car but stopped when he heard a frustrated voice. He knew exactly who it was. "Xiao? Are you okay?" Aether asked as he slowly approached him. Xiao had a card in his hands and was trying to open his card with it, pressing on the card as if it had buttons.

Xiaos head slowly turned and Aether could see that he was completely wasted. That was strange because he knew Xiao didn't drink much. His eyes were halfway open and he had trouble standing. "C-can you.. open my car for me?" His words were so slurred it was almost hard to understand him.

Aether walked closer to him and took the card out of his hands, flipping it around to see what it was. It wasn't even a real card. "You do know theses aren't keys right?" Aether laughed a bit. Xiao didn't seem fazed as he reached in his pockets, nothing being there in result. "Shit. I left.. I left my.. things..." He leaned against his car and shook his head, eyes out of focus.

"It's fine. I'll take you home because I really don't think you should be-" Aether was cut off by a womans voice, "Xiao there you are! Don't run off like that." She was wearing a red dress with her clivage (however you spell it) showing. There was obvious confusion and uncomfortableness in Xiaos squinting eyes.

"I apologize. I was suppose to take him home. He seems to have drank too much. Poor guy had like.. 5 drinks." The smile on her face was way too big. Aether knew she was lying. He saw exactly how many drinks Xiao had. That's when he realized what was going on here. "He's in good hands ma'am. I know how hard it is dealing with drunkards."

Aether was polite with her despite that fact of what she has done. She looked a bit distraught but shook her head, "No it's fine. Just let me take-" She moved her hand to Xiaos wrist and tried to take him past Aether. The blonde quickly grabbed her wrist and pryed her off of him. Xiao stumbled and fell behind Aether but at least he was safe.

"I suggest that you leave right now and forget about the plans you made for tonight. I'm pretty sure corporate wouldn't be very pleased with knowing that you drugged their greatest worker." Aethers whole demeanor changed and his voice was low enough for only her to hear.

Her face looked spooked as she slowly nodded. Not thinking twice as she quickly walked away. Aether sighed in relief, thankful she left. He would have definitely hit her if she didn't. Xiao finally stood up, using his car to do so. He almost broke the mirror on it. "I'll take care of you." His voice was soft again.

Xiao x Aether Oneshots ❤️Where stories live. Discover now