My Vision

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~~~~~~ No Ones POV ~~~~~~

Aether has made a terrible mistake. One he wishes to take back. One he wishes he would've thought about. Now here he stands, being held down by gaurds as his husband is being held by more gaurds in front of the Raiden Shogun with his hands tied behind him. He's confused and doesn't fully understand what's happened nor does he understand what he did to get in this situation.

They were enjoying their time. Aether brought Xiao along because Xiao just couldn't let him go this time. Aether knew exactly how dangerous it would be and he knew Xiaos vision would be at stake. Xiao was so convincing though and thoses puppy dogs eyes wouldn't let him say no.

The two men were at a well known dinner that also sold drinks. This man tried to hit on Aether and without a second thought Xiao got up and punched him. That lead him in jail. Turns out that person was an officer and now Xiaos vision was being taken away for that.

It was nauseating almost. The look on that officers face as Xiao sits there confused. He's never committed a crime since the archon war ended. He only does his duties. Aether tried to intervene but he has being held back. They told him they would kill Xiao if he tried anything. Since Aether had nothing they could take like a Vision.

They only spoke in their native tounge around the yaksha. So he wouldn't resist or realize until it was too late. They did it on purpose and Aether didn't have time to get to him before all this.

Tears poured down Aethers face as he watched she Shogun strip Xiao of his Vision. It was take from him in front of his own eyes as it then disappeared in her hands, any remaining energy going into the large statue that stood behind her.

Suddenly, Xiao couldn't feel anything. It was like everything from his mind was gone and nothing remained but a white noise. Falling to his knees, the gaurds let him. Aether struggled against them, trying to desperately to get out of their grasp. He knew could. He just had to think which he wasn't doing.

"What the hell is going on here?" A voice spoke from the crowd. The man pushed his way through and the horror on his face when he saw Aether. His emerald eyes slowly locked on to Xiaos. Someone who he met and knows. A friend of the Travelers is a friend of his. That's what he always says anyway.

"Raiden Shogun. Stop this immediately. We can-" He was quickly cut off by her. "It's already done Shikanoin. Stand down." This makes the detectives blood run cold. He was too late. Again. He looked at Aethers heartbroken eyes then looked at the yakshas empty eyes. "You have no right to take Visions that you did not give. This is an adeptis from Liyue. One of THE most powerful ones and the last standning yaksha and you just thought it was okay to strip his dreams and ambitious away from him!?"

Heizou glared at the Shogun with so much confidence and boldness. No one has ever EVER stood up to her. Especially since the degree started. "Shikanoin. You-" He was quick to cut off the new voice that had joined. "You are not my boss anymore. I was promoted to head of my department. You have no say in what I do remember? And you should be ashamed of yourself for even letting this happen."

The red head scoffed at his former superior and went to Xiao who was in a daze. His eyes were dull and empty. Stripped of all emotion and will. There was also this lingering, uncomfortable arua that danced around him. It wasn't there before his Vision was taken from him.

Heizou lifted him up by one arm, drapping it over his shoulder and holding his waist so he could walk with him. Xiao questioned nothing. Nor did he react to the sudden touch. "Let him go. He has done nothing wrong." The intimidation that was held in the detectives voice made the gaurds not hesitate to let the blonde go.

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