The Outlaw

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Regina returned home after a long and surprisingly eventful day at the office. Daniel's visit was certainly not what she expected, but it definitely gave her even more to think about. She sat on the couch in her living room with a glass of red wine in hand, her legs curled under her as she ran her fingers along the Dalmatian's head.

Pongo sat up, ears lifted at the sound of the key turning in the front door. Regina smiled. Henry was home. She anticipated this all day long and couldn't wait to hug her little prince.

"Mom?" Henry called from the hallway.

"In here sweetheart," she raised her voice so he could detect where she was calling from. He entered the living room, dropping his backpack next to the couch. Pongo barked at him and the boy laughed, rubbing the pup's ears.

"Hey buddy. I missed you! Were you good for mom today?"

"I brought him to work with me actually. He was so good, but definitely missed you," she smiled at her son before adding, "But not as much as I did."

Henry leaned down and hugged his mother tighter than he normally would. He could sense when she needed him to hug her like that and always happily obliged. He really was a spectacular kid, despite that rough period when he first found Emma.

"Go put your bag in your room and wash up for dinner. The lasagna is in the oven and should be ready any minute," she patted his back, releasing him from their embrace. He grabbed his stuff and hurried out of the living room.

"Gina, Gina!" That familiar little voice rang in her ears and took her by surprise. Roland came scurrying into the room and hopped beside her on the couch, not a bit of hesitation before he wrapped his arms around her.

"What a lovely surprise," she kissed the top of his head. "What are you doing here?"

"He had trouble sleeping last night without teddy," the rugged thief spoke from the hallway, unsure if he should enter the room. She took a moment to steady her breathing, the shock of seeing him after her encounter with the stable boy hitting her rather hard.

"Of course he did. Teddy missed you, but I kept him safe," Regina said, her attention back to the little boy hugging the dog. "Why don't you run upstairs and grab him? Henry just went up to his room. Maybe he'll play with you for a few minutes before dinner."

Roland yelped with excitement as he jumped up and ran toward the stairs. His sudden outburst caused the dog to race after him, wagging his tail the entire time. Now the couple was alone, a quiet distance between them.

"I made lasagna," she said, hoping that would at least lure him into the room to sit. His stiff stance in the doorframe made her anxious. He took a step forward, uncomfortably removing his hands from his pockets before immediately putting them back.

"I'm not sure staying for dinner was your idea of 'space,'" he chuckled, running a hand through his light brown hair.

"At least let me pack some up for you then. I made the whole tray so it would be a shame for it to go to waste."

"That's a lot of food knowing it would just be you and Henry."

"I guess I was hoping you'd drop by," she said, unsure if it was appropriate, but too late to take it back. The silence was back, but it felt more comfortable than it had before as Robin sat on the arm of the couch. He wanted to be close to her, but she could tell he was trying to respect her need for distance.

"How are you," he asked in a worried tone.

"I'm holding up. Confused. Scared," she sighed. There was always something about this outlaw of hers that could open her up and shed light on all her insecurities. She could be vulnerable with him. And honest.

"I don't blame you. It's not everyday we're given second chances. It's terrifying once we are faced with them," he replied with a nod. Regina took a deep breath in.

"I remember when I made that teddy bear for Roland out of a flying monkey," she said, a sense of pride in her otherwise soft tone.

"He hasn't slept a wink without it since. He says it makes him feel safe. Like you're with him to protect him while he sleeps," Robin admitted the young boy's secret aloud to the brunette. It warmed her heart to know she meant that much to his son.

"You didn't come by just to pick up his teddy," it wasn't a question. He shook his head, but remained quiet. "Even though Daniel is back, that doesn't mean what I've shared with you wasn't real. Robin," the sound of her voice saying his name made his heart jump. He looked up, their eyes meeting for the first time since he arrived at the mansion. "I hope you understand that."

"I know how important he is to you, Regina. The love you described to me every time you spoke about him only comes once in a lifetime. I don't want to come between that," Robin's intentions were honorable, as they always were. His moral code engraved at the back of his mind, often blinding him from his true feelings.

"What about a love like ours," she asked, clearly seeking an answer from him as if his response would determine their future. "How often do people experience what we have?"

He couldn't help, but look at her with true love and compassion in his eyes. She saw it immediately, recognizing it from the many blissful stares he'd shown her in their time together. He didn't just look at her. He admired her, lived in her aura. It was like the sight of her was his source of oxygen. She loved being looked at that way and just one day ago, she felt herself looking at him with the same soft, affectionate eyes.

They were lost in each other, neither one able to acknowledge the question Regina so desperately needed an answer to. She finally blinked after what seemed like forever and stood from her place on the couch. Respectfully, Robin did the same as he was a gentleman through and through.

"I'll pack you that lasagna," she said softly.

"You don't have to--"

"I know how much you and Roland enjoy it. It's no trouble," she interrupted him before he could deny her the simplest kindness of feeding the people she cared so deeply for.

"Thank you," he nodded, stepping aside so she could make her way toward the kitchen. "Regina, wait."

His tone stopped her dead in her tracks. She had never heard his voice echo such desperation and heartache before. It pained her to hear it, let alone look at him. But she wanted so much to look at him. Regina turned and he was mere inches from her. The feeling of his breath against her face gave her goosebumps. He placed his hand at the nape of her neck, rubbing that same place at the back of her jaw just below her ear that always left her purring.

"Promise me that whatever you decide will be what you truly want. Remain true to yourself and don't let anyone else's feelings influence your decision: not Daniel's, not mine, not even the children's. This is about your happiness," he said, his heart pouring out with each syllable. "Please, Regina. I need you to promise me. Because if you don't choose a life with me, at least I can be content that you were honest with yourself and found your happiness like you deserve."

Robin didn't come here to beg her to choose him or help her remember why they were together. He trusted that she knew why she was with him all this time. He came here to tell her to follow her heart, even if that meant it led her away from him.

Regina wasn't sure if she should smile at his selflessness or cry at the heartbroken expression on his face. Instead, she leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. It was simple and not the most passionate, but it was enough to show him that she cared for him and appreciated him.

They separated, but remained close to one another as their eyes opened to meet in a gaze that spoke volumes for them so they wouldn't have to find the words. He nodded and took a step back, understanding that her kiss was the silent promise he needed.

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