Clueless (Sanji x reader)

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requested by BlueHues5252

warnings - none


Sanji stood at the entrance of the Thousand Sunny's kitchen, his eyes locked on y/n as she laughed with Chopper on the main deck. The soft sea breeze played with her hair, making it dance around her face. Sanji's heart skipped a beat; he was utterly and hopelessly smitten.

"Sanji, are you okay?" Nami's voice broke through his thoughts.

He sighed, pulling out a cigarette. "She's perfect, Nami. But she doesn't seem to notice my feelings at all."

Nami rolled her eyes. "Well, maybe if you stopped treating every woman on this ship like a goddess and focused on her, she might get a clue."

Sanji glanced back at y/n. "I've tried everything. Cooking her favorite meals, giving her flowers, even helping her with training. But she just smiles and thanks me like I'm being friendly."

Nami crossed her arms, a smirk forming on her lips. "She's probably clueless about your feelings because you're not being direct. Why don't you just tell her?"

Sanji's face flushed a deep red. "Tell her? N-Nami, I can't just say it outright! What if she rejects me?"

Nami shook her head. "You're hopeless, Sanji. Let me talk to her."

Meanwhile, y/n was enjoying a light-hearted conversation with Chopper, unaware of the turmoil brewing in the cook's heart. She had always admired Sanji's cooking and his kindness, but it never crossed her mind that his gestures could be anything more than friendly.

"Hey, y/n!" Nami called, walking over. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure, Nami. What's up?" y/n replied, tilting her head curiously.

Nami led her away from the others, lowering her voice. "I need to tell you something about Sanji."

"Sanji?" y/n repeated, puzzled. "What about him?"

Nami sighed. "He likes you, y/n. I mean, really likes you. All those things he does for you—it's not just because he's being nice. He's trying to show you how much he cares."

y/n's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, what? Are you serious?"

Nami nodded. "Yes, and it's been driving him crazy that you haven't noticed. He's head over heels for you."

A flood of memories rushed through y/n's mind: Sanji's warm smiles, his impeccable meals made just for her, the way he always seemed to be there when she needed help. How had she missed it?

"Oh, Nami, I feel so stupid," y/n muttered. "I just thought he was being friendly."

Nami smiled gently. "He's too shy to say it outright, but you need to acknowledge his feelings. Give him a chance, y/n."

Later that evening, y/n found Sanji in the kitchen, preparing dinner. She watched him for a moment, gathering her courage.

"Sanji?" she called softly.

He turned, a charming smile immediately gracing his lips. "y/n! What can I do for you? Dinner will be ready soon."

y/n took a deep breath, stepping closer. "Nami told me everything. About how you feel."

Sanji's face turned a bright shade of red, and he dropped his knife, catching it quickly. "She... she did?"

y/n nodded, her own cheeks flushing. "I had no idea, Sanji. I thought you were just being kind. But if you feel that way... I'd like to give us a chance."

Sanji's eyes sparkled with a mixture of hope and disbelief. "You would?"

y/n smiled, reaching out to take his hand. "Yes, Sanji. I'd like to get to know you better. Not just as a friend, but something more."

Sanji felt his heart soar. He gently squeezed her hand, his usual suave demeanor returning. "I promise, y/n, I'll make you the happiest person on this ship."

As the sun set over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the Thousand Sunny, Sanji and y/n stood together, their hearts finally in sync. And from a distance, Nami watched with a satisfied smile, knowing she had played a part in bringing them together.


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