Our Insane World

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Once you understand the insanity of our world it means you're becoming sane

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Once you understand the insanity of our world it means you're becoming sane. Haven't you ever wondered why we are witnessing such an explosion in alcohol and opiate abuse? Since the COVID-19 pandemic people have lost jobs, the supply chain mess has caused an increase in all staple commodities, the structure of the family unit has been pushed to the breaking point because both parents must work to make ends meet, and their children must fend for themselves. The prison population is soaring because the whole corrupt judicial system is based on profit. The political corruption is rampant, and these crooks get away scot-free. The suicide rate is through the roof because people have lost all hope. A good friend once wisely told me that the definition of hell is seeing no hope in anything everywhere. Alcohol and opiates quiet the mind. Heroin addicts start off not wanting to become addicted, they love the feeling. Eventually, they need heroin not to be dope sick, they just want to feel normal. The reason for the explosion in crack cocaine is this is how they get high. I have witnessed what heroin addicts go through. Convulsions, sweats, cold shivers, nausea, diarrhea, cramps, and flu symptoms to the max. They truly want to die. The only thing worse than kicking heroin is getting off alcohol. A true alcoholic can die from going cold turkey. My writings, or our writings, offer hope. When you truly grab and understand these magnificent truths, not only will you have great hope, you will also experience increasing joy. I know this from direct experience.

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