The Beautiful Laws Of God

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Utilizing the Laws of God within a Perceptual Landscape

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Utilizing the Laws of God within a Perceptual Landscape.

When we had that tiny, mad idea that it was possible to be separate from God, we went from Knowers to perceivers. The "seeming" realm of perception is interpretative, dualistic, linear, reflective, and most important, it is illusional. It is everything Truth is not. So, in truth, we are undoing what never existed and does not exist now. We are undoing the belief in it or, you could also say, transcending the idea of it. What remains is Reality, no longer hidden by our perceptual distortions.

The laws of perception will give us a reflection of whatever we choose to believe is real. These beliefs will support our deepest depression or our highest aspirations. We place our faith in what we believe is true and we become the witness to where we have placed our faith by how we experience life. Perception will give us a reflection of a peaceful mind or a tormented mind. And the choice is ours.

A happy dream is a reflection and the effect of right-mindedness. It is being mindful of, and being present with that which we perceive. A happy dream is experienced through consistently choosing Life, choosing Love, choosing Joy, and choosing Peace. The strength of our faith/belief in these choices bears fruit as their effects show up in our everyday lives. We forgive anything that denies the Truth. And as we do, we behold Heaven's reflection as it unfolds in ways we cannot even imagine, no longer a "seeming" victim, we are now a witness to the Laws of LOVE and God is in everything we perceive. Lack of faith is never an issue. We all have faith in something, be it our Truth or our distortions of the Truth. As we become more and more sensitive to the mind's activities we can catch the ego in the beginning of its misbehavior. As peace becomes a consistent choice, peace becomes a consistent state. Now, lack of peace is like a pebble in our shoes. It serves as a constant reminder to choose again.

For me, "choosing again" is a process where first, I notice a disruption in my peace, the pebble in my shoe. I bring my mind to a place of stillness, no thinking, and the quiet of no talking to myself. I allow whatever I am experiencing to just be. It is being an observer rather than an engager. If it is some type of fear, I allow it to wash over me as I keep my mind fixed on God, in Truth, and in Now.

Non-resistance for me is key in allowing whatever negative energy I feel to pass through and out of my awareness. I have discovered over years of practice that my participation with or resistance to that which I want to heal only holds it in place. I let it be. I let it flow and I let it go. In fact, what actually occurs is that it lets go of me. What is not real has no power unless I decide to give it power. In other words, darkness disappears in the presence of light.

Our willingness to choose again activates our higher mind, our Holy Spirit, and sets in motion the correction of wrong-mindedness into right-mindedness.

Right-mindedness is Heaven's reflection. We simply step into it as life unfolds before us. At the level of mind, there is nothing to do other than to be present and bring the mind to stillness and quiet. As we take each step, God goes with us, making straight all the twists and turns of the ego's distortions. Right-mindedness brings with it clarity, certainty, and peace. This "present state" of awareness, stillness, and quiet always welcomes us as we accept it. It is not a "doing" so much as it is a "being."

"Your way will be different, not in purpose but in means. A holy relationship is a means of saving time. One instant spent together with your brother restores the universe to both of you. You are prepared. Now you need but to remember you need to do nothing. It would be far more profitable now merely to concentrate on this than to consider what you should do. When peace comes at last to those who wrestle with temptation and fight against giving in to sin; when the light comes at last into the mind given to contemplation; or when the goal is finally achieved by anyone, it always comes with just one happy realization; "I need do nothing." ACIM.

We simply allow and accept Reality to be what it is and Reality provides for everything we could possibly imagine we need. If you notice, the ego-mind will jump in and "seem to" inform us of all the reasons this cannot be so. Did you notice? It really believes it knows more than God. Yet, just beyond the rantings of the ego, Reality remains Reality. It is our constant companion when we remember to notice IT, embrace IT, and accept ownership of ITS amazing grace.

LOVE's Reflection always lights the way to our true home and to the awareness of our Unity with God and each other. "We shall find peace. We shall hear angels. We shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds." 

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